Blair- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Blair

Hope you like cliffhangers!! Mwah hah hah!

Blair Chapter 2

  The faces of the men played themselves over and over in her head, like a broken record. Her strange body was stained with blood, the feeling of pure rage extinguished.

  What had she done?! One minute she was a girl, next, a thing. A muderous thing. A thing that was now slinking in the shadows of Akron, like some vermin.

  Luckily, she had not encountered any people on the way through the streets. An emergency siren was blaring, warning people to stay home.

  In the dim light of approaching night, Blair’s strange blue eye acted as a flashlight. She hoped it would go away, hoped she would wake up back at her our house.

  Yes, only a dream. She thought, stumbling through the street. Tripping, she bumped into a set of trash cans. The pain she felt was all too real to be a dream.

  “Yeah bro, them sirens is gonna give me a headache.” Blair froze, hearing people up the street, only a short distance away and closing in. As far as she could tell, it was a group of teenagers, in ridiculously baggy clothing. 

  Thinking fast, Blair crouched down and rolled behind the trash cans. Crouching into the wall they were against, she held her breath.

 “What do you think ‘dos sirens are for?”

“Well, Edie texted me and said some girl, like, went cray and killed two drunk guys.”

“Brah, whatdaya smokin now?” The two teenagers passed down the street, laughing at the feeble joke. If she was going to avoid being seen, she would have to figure out how to become human again. 

  Blair breathed deeply, knowing she would have to concentrate. She closed her eyes and became hyper-aware of everything around her. She felt the cold brick at her back, the trash cans to her right, her feet on the chilly pavement. Blair closed her eyes and concentrated on a spot in the middle of her forehead. 

  She thought of her conciousness flowing out, filling her whole mind and body, becoming one with every part of herself. She imagined leaving the strange form she was in, and becoming herself again. 

  Blair imagined herself running, making cereal, writing on a test. Watching movies with Marcus, arguing with her father, even brushing her teeth. She remembered every part of herself. The pins and needles sensation was back, covering her skin and making her grit her teeth,

  Slowly, feeling came back to her body. The fur that she had posessed no longer exsisted to keep her warm, and she began to shiver almost immedietly. Opening her eyes, she noticed that the right one no longer illuminated the pavement. 

  Her hands were normal hands, her wavy blond hair back in all its tangly glory. Blair breathed a sigh of grateful relief. She could almost pretend that nothing happened. Almost.

  Right now, her main concern was getting home. Her house was about fifteen minutes away. Should she walk normally, or run there? Considering the sirens, walking was probably less suspicious. 

  She stood up, grateful her clothes came back after she changed. She stretched sore muscles, starting off a brisk walk. Thankfully, she hadn’t encountered anyone except those teenagers, and they hadn’t seen her. 

  Left, right, right, left, right. The streets were winding, but she could see her neighborhood in stark contrast to the slum-like area. A high income, gated community, Blair had never really liked the place. After her mom died, they moved from their place out in suburbia to the city, where her father could work. 

  She really didn’t understand what he did for work. Apparently it was confidential. All she knew was he worked for The Federal Bureau of Paranormal Research. Blair could only guess what that entailed. 

  She finally reached her street, its familiar stone walls and expert gardens like a safety blanket. Buzzing in the code, she strode as casually as possible through the gate. Blair waved to the gatekeeper, Jorge. 

  “Your dad is gonna kill you this time, chica!” He yelled from behind the security box.

  “Oh believe me, I know.” She called back, hoping he didn’t notice her shaking.

  135,136,137,138! Finally, home. Another five minutes and she would have collapsed from exhaustion. Reaching the maple tree that grew out of her room, she clambered up the wooden slats nailed to the tree. Better to come in here than ragged and backpack-less on the front door. Blair nimbly scurried through the window, glad she had the foresight to leave it open. 

  “Hey Daddy! I’m home!” She called out into the house. No reply. Oh well, she’d text him, but she lost her pack. 

  Blair looked in her mirror. There was something different about the way she looked. Her hair was a mess, and there was a weird look in her eye. A wild look. 

  Plodding into the bathroom, she cleaned dirt off her face, watching it swirl in the sink. She would feel better in the morning. Maybe take the day off of school.

  Changing into her favorite Domo shirt and matching pants, she folded her dirty clothes in a corner. She bent to pick up a shirt off the floor, and all of a sudden, her head felt like it was crackling with static. 

  “What the....!”

  Then the voice in her head.

  You need to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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