Chapter 20: Off to Vacuo

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Me and Miss Asahina awoke to find ourselves nearby what remained of Monstro. Jaune, our version of Yang, and Ren were all nearby as well.

"Kyon, we probably shouldn't tell them what happened earlier in Dreamland," Miss Asahina advised.

"Yeah, I agree. They might think that's crazy anyways. I'm pretty sure the only reason everyone in that other universe was ok with believing we were from another dimension was because theirs was naturally weird even by our standards," I nodded.

"I'm not sure even Miss Suzumiya could think up a world like that," Miss Asahina giggled.

We then casually met up with the others. Yang then got a video call from Blake.

"Yang! Are you okay? Where are you?" she asked on the other end.

"Yeah, we're fine. Is everyone there all right?" Jaune answered.

"We're...alive. This'll help though. Guys! They're okay," Blake told the others with her.

Miss Asahina then helped me up, but as she did so she accidently stumbled so I had to catch her as she had her face buried in my chest. She then looked up at me, tears in her eyes again.

"I thought you were going to stop making me worry..." she softly cried.

We then hugged before I noticed Emerald at her knees nearby. We broke apart to discuss her.

"What are we going to do about her?" I asked.

"...Hazel?" Emerald whispered, knowing he hadn't survived the explosion I had created to temporarily stop Salem.

"I'm sending you a map. You're in the agricultural area. Just head to this access point to reach the red line subway tunnel then follow the route I've drawn for you," Weiss directed on the other end of the call.

"Got it. We'll see you soon," Ren nodded.

All of us then walked through the dark subway tunnel with Emerald ahead with her hands in the air. Yang had her gauntlet trained on her with one hand, holding her guns with the other.

"You can't be serious. You want us to work with her?" Yang asked me in disbelief.

"I'm just saying it makes the most sense. She's now on Salem's list of enemies, too," I reminded her.

"No, I'm with blondie. You don't like me, I don't like you. So how about we just part ways and you never have to see me again," Emerald suggested.

"You're not going anywhere. Not after everything you've done," Jaune glared.

"We can't let all of our actions stem from fear. If she could help us, I think we should consider it," Ren agreed with me.

"She is part of the reason I have this," Yang protested as she held up her cyborg arm. "I'm not going to just forgive her. Everything that happened at Beacon...she lied to us, tricked us. She's dangerous."

"Miss Xiao Long, you don't have to forgive her. If she's done bad things to you, you have every reason to feel that way...but...can we not give her a second chance?" Miss Asahina agreed with me. "We've already gotten quite a bit of help today from someone we...don't entirely trust right now, but we would have still been lost without him."

"Do you mean Ozpin?" Ren asked.

Me and Miss Asahina were surprised he figured that out.

"I had a feeling," he smiled and shrugged.

"Wait, what?" Yang stopped walking.

"Oz is back?" Jaune asked.

"I know how you feel but he saved my life. When we were tortured, he took it so I wouldn't have to. He entrusted me with this, and the massive amount of power he had stored up in it," I defended him as I pulled out my cane. "Kinetic energy that he spent lifetime after lifetime accumulating in the cane he built."

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