Chapter 1: Izuku & Mari's backstory

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Izuku & Mari Midoriya. The quirkless twin duo. Or so everyone thought.....

Izuku and Mari were born on July 15th to Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. Their parents were shocked to hear they were having twins when twins didn't run in the family, but still, they were overjoyed. Mari was the first born out of the two, and according to their father, she lit up the room the second she entered this world. Izuku was the youngest and smaller than his sister but has strong lungs, according to the doctor. Growing up, the twins didn't see much of their father. He was away overseas for work, but he always tried to make an effort to stay in contact. When he was home, it was only for a couple of days that he always spent time sleeping and relaxing. A couple of times, Mari would hear her mother and father arguing while they thought the twins were asleep. Eventually, their father stopped coming around after the twins turned 5. Mari woke up in the middle of the night to hear her parents arguing again. This time, she heard something she wished she didn't hear. "You know what im done with you on this. Im going to go live over in America with her. You can stay here and raise our kids on your own since you know whats best for them." Her father said as he slammed the front door of their apartment. Mari peaked out and saw her mother on the ground crying. Mari ran out and hugged her mom. "It's ok, mom. We dont need him. You're all we need." Marri said. Inko looked at her daughter and smiled. The next morning, Inko explained to Izuku that the twins' father was going away for a while and didn't know when he'll be back. Izuku was confused but didn't say anything else. When All Might made his first daybu, Izuku was obsessed with being just like All Might. Mari liked All Might like the next kid, but she always said her hero was their father. Izuku and Mari always looked out for each other when they were at daycare or at school. Izuku was always being picked on by a boy named Katsuki Bakugou and his friends because he was smaller and weaker, Mari on the other hand would call Katsuki out and stand up for Izuku, much to Katsuki's dismay. The picking on got worse once Bakugou's quirk manifested. He's always saying his better than everyone, and Mari would try to get it through his thick skull and bring him down a peg. It didn't stop Izuku from trying to be Bakugou's friend. He always hung around him and followed him everywhere. Mari was always there to make sure Izuku wouldn't get too hurt, even if that meant getting beat up herself. She'd even get hurt herself doing that, but she never felt bad or ashamed of it.

One day, Izuku is knocked to the ground with a hard punch. "Ow! Leave him alone! Why are you being so mean,  Kachan? If you dont stop, I-I-I'll stop you myself!" Izuku said to the ash blonde boy in front of him. "You think you can become a hero. Haha, the quickless loser, Deku." Bakugou said, putting his fists together with smoke emanating from them. Izuku was by himself, trying to defend the boy on the ground. Izuku was rarely alone without Mari, but that day, he was. Bakugou and these friends began beating him and the boy he was defending up. Izuku came home covered in cuts, bruises, and first degree burns. "Izuku!" Inko said, looking at her boy. Mari came out and saw her brother hurt. She ran to him, and in her worried state She suddenly sprouted golden wings and her hands starting glowing in a gentle golden light, healing Izuku's injuries with a single touch. "Mari!" Both Izuku and Inko said in awe. Mari saw the gold glow Emanating from her hands, and she let go of Izuku, but it she felt very woozy afterward, so much so that she blacked out. When she awoke, she was in the hospital. She looked over to see her mom and Izuku sitting next to her. "Mom? Izuku?" Mari said weakly.  "Oh Mari, my baby! You're awake. I need to get the doctor." Inko said, immediately leaving the room. Mari looked over at her twin, who was now crying. "Why are you crying, Izuku? She asked. "B-Because I thought y-you wouldn't wake up." He said in between sobs. Mari tried to get up and hug her brother but was stopped by the wires and IV. Izuku climbed up onto the hospital bed and sat next to his sister until the doctor and Inko came back into the room. Inko sat down next to Mari. "Well, little lady, it looks like your quirk manifested when seeing your brother injured. And I have to say, by the sounds of it, it's a pretty powerful one." The doctor said. "Really, doctor?" Inko asked. "Yes. Having the ability to heal others is very rare. By the looks of it, when she, as you said, grew wings and healed your son, her healing drained all of her stamina. So I'm going to discharge her and send you home. Make sure she gets plenty of rest for the next couple of days and check in with her pediatrician." The doctor said. "I will make sure of that doctor. Thank you." When they were leaving the hospital, Inko made the follow-up appointment. When the twins went to the follow-up appointment, since they were 5 now, the doctor wanted to see if Izuku would develop a quirk. But when the doctor says the x-rays. "Sorry kid, it's not going to happen." The doc said. Izuku's looked crushed as he dropped his All Might action figure. "Oh really, you think so." Inko said, sadly. "Yes, I'm sure. When quirks were happening more and more, there was a study done on quirks and it showed that people with 2 joints in their pinky toe where more likely to develop a quirk as the human body evolved to be more stream like and as you can see here, young Izuku has 3 joints and Mari has the 2 joints." The doctor said. "Oh dear." Inko replied. "Tell me, what quirks do you and the children's father have?" "Well I can float small objects to me, and my husband breathes fire." Inko said. "The children should have developed one of those or a combination of both those quirks, but Mari seems to have a completely different quirk and a combination of 2 different quirks into one. If you're OK with it, I'd like to run some simple tests to see if we can find anything interesting. I think she got a gene mutation." The doctor said. Inko looked at Mari, and Mari shook her head. "I think at a different time would be best, doctor. I have to call my husband and talk to him." Inko said. After that, they left, and that night, Izuku watched the All Might video and was crying. "See mom. He's always smiling. Even when things look bad. Do you think....I can be a hero too?" Izuku said. Inko cried and ran and hugged Izuku. "I'm so sorry, Izuku." She said, crying. Mari went up and hugged them both. "It'll be OK, mom. I'll keep Izuku safe." Mari said. Inko smiled at Mari. "I know you will, my brave girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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