omg mango tango/king

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Victim has been begging Purple to bring MT on Alan's computer ever since it's heard of him. Purple, as the absolute sweetheart he is, managed to convince MT to get his depressed ass out of the house and visit CG.

"Hey guys! We're here!" Purple exclaimed as they and MT got out of a senting request.

"Welcome back Purp! And welcome for the first time here, MT." Second welcomed both sticks.

MT could feel an uneasy feeling when he stepped into CG's minecraft home. "Uh, thank you kids. It's kinda weird to be in some other house beside mine and Purple's(I'll explain at the end-)."

Blue smiled as they set down the food he's prepared. "Well I sure hope that feeling will drift away after we eat diner!" She then went up the stairs and yelled "You'll have to wait a bit longer though! I'll go check on my garden real quick!"

As a way to wait, everyone sat at the table and started talking. Blue FINALLY came back and their diner ✨began✨.
Red excused himself from the table to talk to Vic, who's been bugging him ever since MT came. The both stepped outside and behind the house to talk.

"Vic. Listen, I get that you want us to introduce you to MT, BUT CAN YOU NOT SCREAM IN MY EAR ABOUT IT!?" Red whisper-yelled at the ghost.

"Well SO-RRY! But you told me you'd introduce him to me, and it hasn't happened yet!" Victim turned its back to Red and crossed its arms.

After talking it out for a good 5 minutes or so, they've both come to an agreement and Red came back inside to chat with the others some more until everyone finished eating.
About 4 minutes later(felt like a thousand+ years for Vic), MT was sat down on the couch. MT, confused as all shit, asked the group, calmly:

"What the fuck are you planning, you little shits..?"

"Okay. Red, you do the talking." Green said looking over to his friend.

"Alrighty then. We got two things to tell ya MT. First off, I can see ghosts." "WHAT-" Red cuts MT off, "Don't focus on that, it's just an important little detail in which you don't need to dive deep into.

And two, I have a ghost friend who we want to introduce you to! Its name is Vic, goes by it/its pronouns and to be honest, ever since we told it about you, Vic has been kind of a simp."

"Wait, excuse me-" MT was cut off by Red, again."Take that as you will, but the point is: We want you to meet Vic."

"Okaaayyy... Soo, where is it..?"

The gang looks at each other as they all point up above MT, holding back laughs. MT looks behind him, pretty fuckin scared tbh, and-

"Hello there!-" "OH SHIT!-"

MT falls back and everyone laughs, of course, as Vic floats above him with a grin and a basically stars in his blank(and non-existant) eyes.
Words: 507 Words


Colour Gang&Purple Talk To Victim(AVA/AVM)Where stories live. Discover now