Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Mrs. Liu walked back to the dining table with some guilt and sat down, took an empty bowl of porridge, and said to him from left to right: "Lin'er, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, why don't you sit down and have a bowl of porridge first?"

    Liu Silin stood on the spot, Stubbornly asked again: "Mother, tell me first, where is my sister settled?"

    Mrs. Liu had no choice but to answer: "Lin'er, your sister has entered the palace."

    Liu Silin clenched her hands into fists under her sleeves. , with blue veins on the back of his hands, he tried his best to keep his tone steady: "Mother, why?"

    Since Liu Silin entered the door, he had been calling "Mother" all the time, but this time, he called "Mother".

    Hearing the angry and helpless "Mother", Mrs. Liu's eyes turned red.

    She put down the spoon and looked at her son who had always been prudent and filial: "Lin'er, are you questioning mother?"

    In response to Mrs. Liu's slap, Liu Silin couldn't let go of her breath, feeling depressed and panicked.

    "Everyone go out." He waved his hands and ordered coldly.

    Seeing the mother and son arguing, all the maids and women in the house looked down at the ground, heard the words, filed out, and left cleanly in an instant.

    After the door closed, Liu Silin asked again: "Mother, after so many years, I finally found my sister, why did you send her into the palace?"

    Mrs. Liu took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears: "Lin'er, there is no other way. Your Majesty is following closely, if our Liu family doesn't send anyone into the palace, the whole family will be punished." No matter how

    patient Liu Silin was, his tone was still uncontrollably aggressive: "Then why is it my younger sister? Liu Muyao, why didn't you send her away? Entering the palace?"

    Mrs. Liu raised her head: "Mother thought about it too, but your father disagreed, saying that he had other arrangements for Mu Yao's marriage. Besides, Mu Yao didn't want to..." "She didn't want to?"

    Like Hearing something interesting, Liu Silin interrupted Mrs. Liu, tilted his head and laughed, until tears came out.

    After a while, he took a step forward with sadness in his eyes: "Mother, I just want to ask you, do you still remember the one who couldn't even walk steadily, but always threw himself into your arms with cakes and called you 'Mother eat? Cake’s little girl?"

    "Mother, do you still remember the little girl named Shishi?"

    "Do you still remember that Shishi is your biological daughter!" "

    If you find it back, it is to give If she is going to die, then why are you looking for her? Let her live well no matter where she is, even if she is poor or miserable!"

    Liu Silin's throat choked, and he asked all the questions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time. , but not at all relaxed, even more breathless.

    He received a letter saying that his sister had been found, and he set off without delay.

    Knowing that the palace has been urging to give someone away, and knowing that his grandfather's father only cares about power and the prosperity of the Liu family, he is afraid that his sister will become that abandoned son.

    So he traveled day and night, rushing back without stopping.

    But he hurried on, but he was still one step too late. As soon as he entered the city, he knew that his sister had been sent to the palace.

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