Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    "Mother, you won't change?" Liu Wuji asked in surprise.

    [When the cultivation level is reached, after being able to transform into a human form, as long as the vitality is sufficient, isn't it the instinct of a goblin to change back and forth? 】

    Hearing what Liu Wuji said in his heart, Lu Rengu frowned slightly.

    It seems that Qianqian's vitality has not recovered well, was it the effect of his blood last night? How about he try another drop, or two drops?

    "Mother, Wu disaster is here to teach you." Liu Wu disaster took off his shoes and climbed onto the couch, leaned towards his father, and looked at his mother.

    {Okay, no disaster, then quickly teach your godmother. }The little ginseng shook its whiskers.

    The method that Wu disaster taught her to absorb spiritual energy before was very useful. In terms of cultivation, Wu disaster is indeed much better than her mother.

    Seeing Liu Wuzhang proposed to teach Qianqian, Lu Rengu also nodded hopefully: "Wait a minute, I'll get your mother dressed."

    The apron and underpants that Little Ginseng wore before going to bed last night were worn by her. When I became a human, it was already stretched out and I couldn't wear it anymore.

    Lu Rengu reached out to get the small camphor wood suitcase placed at the corner of the couch, wanting to get a bellyband and underpants for the little ginseng.

    Little Ginseng stretched out his beard and held down his hand, and when he looked over, he waved his beard again, indicating that he didn't need it.

    Anyway, after she learns it, she will become a human being, so there is no need to wear this little dress anymore, it's a pity if it breaks.

    Understanding the meaning of the little ginseng, Lu Rengu thought so, so he tied the cloak for her, then put her on the couch, and gently touched her little leaves.

    Liu Wuzhai stood on the couch and explained how he became a human while making gestures with great interest.

    The little chubby boy wagged his fur tail, and babbled a lot in a childlike voice, and finally knelt down on the couch, bent down to look at his mother: "Mom, have you met?

    " It is clear, Lu Rengu felt that if he were a monster, he would change.

    Like Liu Wuji, he looked at the little ginseng expectantly, and encouraged him, "Try Qianqian, you will definitely be able to do it." The

    little ginseng was also full of confidence and bent its leaves. {Let me try, no disaster, you turn your back. }

    "Okay, mother, I promise I won't peek." Liu Wuzai turned around blithely, and covered his eyes with his chubby hands.

    Little Ginseng waved his beard again, signaling Lu Rengu to get out of the way.

    {Wu disaster, let your father back up, back up, lest I hit him later. }Little ginseng is confident and confident.

    After Liu Wuji finished telling the story, Lu Rengu responded, took the quilt in his hands, and clenched the two corners with both hands, ready to wrap people up at any time.

    Everything was ready, Little Ginseng shook his cloak majestically, and started to move.

    {Hey! }

    After a silence, nothing happened.

    Huh, didn't change? The little ginseng bent down two leaves and looked down at itself. Don't be afraid, come again.

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