Chapter Ten

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I don't remember when exactly I left Ella and went home but it was pretty late by then. I was confronted by my mother and she was going on about how it was already dark out and how I shouldn't stay out so late. I stayed expressionless as she talked and I just walked past her. She yelled after me but I walked on and to my room.

I shut the door behind me and fell down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. So much happened today and it left thoughts reeling in my head.

Is James really going to tell on us? Tell on me? Tell on his sister? His sister... why do I still call her that? I know that she's actually his cousin but in my mind I call her his sister. Does he really not know? Maybe I should tell him. No maybe I should use this knowledge against him like he's using the knowledge of me and Ella against us. When did I become so evil? Was it when I started liking Ella? No it was when I was taken away from my dad. I miss him... wait how did this become about him?

I shook off the thoughts about my dad and tried to just fall asleep. That didn't work all too well because when i did fall asleep I dreamt about him and being with him and being with Ella and running away.

That night- that dream- inspired me. Maybe I can't run away from the palace and go find my dad but I can stand up for myself. If James really tells my parents then I'm not going to sit and let them chew me out. For once I am really going to speak my mind.

When I got up a servant, well, the head servant- Montario (the guy who drove me here 10 years ago)- was standing in the door way.

"Miss Charlotte, your parents and a few guests are waiting for you in the dining room. Get dressed and hurry down to see them." He said and walked out.

Fear shot through me when he said that. A few guests... does he mean the Shivliers? I really hope not.

I got dressed in a simple green blouse, jeans, teal flats, and- of course- I put on my charm bracelet. I quickly brushed my hair and put on just a tad bit of makeup so that I didn't look bloody awful. Mom says I have naturally beauty but I don't believe her. What teenage girl ever does?

I headed down to the dining room and my worst nightmare came true. James was sitting across from my mom and when he looked up at me he smirked and evil, twisted smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

Next to him was Laurella on his right and his parents- or so he though- on his left. Ches and Lisette were on mom's right and I sat down to her left and in front of Laurella.

"Is it true?" my whimpered. Only when I have sat down next to her did I see the tears running down her face. Just at the sight, tears stung my eyes and threatened to spill. I looked down and pretended not to hear her.

"Charlotte listen to your mother." Ches's voice boomed from beside her.

I looked up at Ella and she gave me a sorrowful look. I looked at James and his face was screwed up in an evil sense of... delight? I'm not sure but it was an expression that frightened me.

"Go on. Tell her Charlie. Tell her about how you and Laurie were just a kissing away when I came to get you at the park." James said.

"Momma-" I choked out. The tears that were threatening to spill were now streaming down my cheeks and falling onto my shirt.

"Tell me he's lying Charlotte. Please just tell me he's lying." Mom cried.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry but he's... He's not." I said.

Mom burst out into sobs and Ches pulled her into his chest. He gave me a look of... what? Shame? Disgrace? Sadness? Anger? I couldn't tell.

"Ella dear please, please please please don't make it true. Say it isn't so." Mrs. Shivlier said.

"You heard her." Ella said quietly.

"No you can't be! You absolutely cannot be! You can't be such a disgusting, freakish, whore of a-"

"Don't call her that!" I yelled at Mr. Shivlier. He stopped and looked at me and had pure anger in his eyes.

"Don't you yell at me girl. Don't you even." He growled.

"Charlotte..." A faint voice said. I looked over to see that Lisette had moved beside me.

"Lis I'm sor-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"Don't be." She said just barely a whisper.

"But... but Lis?" I said.

She turned away to face the empty chair in front of her.

"So what shall we do?" James said in his snarky voice.

"Oh I don't know I was thinking along the lines of murdering you!" Is what I so badly wanted to say but instead all that came out was a whimper.

"First the wedding is off." Mr. Shivlier said. "You my son cannot go and marry a faggot."

I had never before been called such a word. One that was intended to hurt me personally.

"King Chesten I do suggest that you punish Charlotte just as I will Laurella. When we get back to Kalla she will never see the daylight again. She will never meet another person besides her designated servant. One that will be male so she won't go off trying to flirt with her female servant she has now. Gotta make sure she stays put up in her room until she realizes that she can't be gay." Mr. Shivlier said.

Mrs. Shivlier sobbed softly into a handkerchief as did my mom.

"Trust me she will not go out again." Ches said.


"Hush Charlotte!" Ches yelled. He faltered then went back to his normal calm voice.  "You've done enough."

After that the Shivlier went on the ride back to Kalla and I was sent to my room to where I shall stay until death brings sweet peace.

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