Chapter Six

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When I asked James why there wasn’t a car he said that we were going on a walk. We walked until we reached a nearby park and we sat down at a bench.

“It’s such a lovely day out.” I said.

“Yeah it’s usually not this nice. Where I live its always pretty cold.” He said.

“And where is that exactly?” I asked.

(In this story the lands are not what they are today. In here there is no ‘United States’ but it’s simply called the Monarchs. ~KD )

“It’s not too far off from here. It’s called Kalla. The place was formed by Swedish, or so it was said, and so they used the Swedish word for cold to name it. Now my family, the Shivliers, run the place.” he said.

“Kalla? I think I’ve heard of it before. I’m not too keen on memory, sorry. Did you know of Aranan before you came here?”

“Not really. I knew where it was in the Monarchs but not much past that.”

“Yeah I guess neither Aranan nor Kalla are all that popular.”

“Oh my gosh! It’s the prince of Kalla and the princess of Aranan!” Someone yelled.

A mob of girls came rushing towards us with smiles and asked us all sorts of things. A few crazy ones even asked James if he’d like to marry them. The only one that caught my attention was when one of them asked-

“Why are you both here together?”

Apparently it caught more than just my attention because then more of the girls wanted to know.

“Girls! Girls! Are you not in the kingdom of Aranan? Do you not serve me as princess?” I asked.

They all hushed down.

“That’s better. You do not in any circumstances need to ambush your princess and definitely not when she is with a prince. What is going on with my family does not pertain to you for it will not affect you. Now, go on. You do not need to be hovering over us.” I said.

They all either gave me a surprised face, a sad face, or a sour face. I sat expressionless until they all left.

“Why don’t we go somewhere where we won't be attacked by teenage girls?” I said.

“Alright then. Why don’t we do dinner with your family? I can really meet your and later on this week you can meet mine.” He said.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Okay. I need to go to the home we are staying at for the year to do something. You go home and I’ll meet you there in like an hour. I will call my chauffeur to come get us so we don’t have to walk anymore.” He said.

I nodded and he pulled out his phone and made the call. Soon after we were picked up and I was dropped off at home. Immediately my mom showered me with questions about how it went and why I was home so early. I told her the plan and she ran upstairs to go get ready for dinner with James. I told Ches and Lisette and they both started getting ready.

I called James on the number he wrote down on a piece of paper and slipped into my shirts little pocket. I asked him if it was formal and he just said casual. I told everyone else but my mother insisted she look her very best.

I went upstairs and changed into jeans and let my hair down. I’ve got naturally curly hair so I went through it and tried to make it look better. Maybe an hour or so later someone rang the door bell.

I ran downstairs and stopped a servant before he opened the door. I told him I would do so and that he just be ready to serve up a meal. I opened the door and saw that James had changed into dark jeans, a grey t-shirt, and some black tennis shoes. He smiled gave a small wave.

“Hey again. I missed you.” He said.

“You were gone an hour!”  I joked.

“Yeah well, that was a long hour. Oh and I thought that the sooner the better. “He moved out of the way to reveal a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair. “This is my little sister-“

“Laurella!” Lis yelled as she walked into view. “Haha I remember. Your name is Laurella. It only took half the night to get my mind to remember.”

“Um… hi.” She said quietly.

“Hello Laurella. That is my loud and very smart little sister, Lisette. I’m Charlotte but if you want you can call me Charlie or Char like my friends do.”

She nodded and sheepishly looked down.

“Laur here is a little shy thing. I’m sure she’ll start talking soon.” James said.

“Don’t talk as though I’m not behind you.” She said suddenly. I smiled and James did too.

“See.” He said.

I let them in and showed them to the dining room. Ches was there talking to a servant and mom was walking in through another door.

“Oh hello James. Oh that must be your sister.” Mom said.

“Yes it is. Laur this is queen Isobel and king Chesten.” He said to his sister.

We all sat down at the table and the servers put the food down. Ches sat at the end of the table and mom on the other end. Lisette sat on my right and James in front of me with Laurella at his right.

“So James, tell us about yourself.” Mom said.

“Well there isn’t too much to tell. I am 19 and the prince of Kalla. I take a lot of swordsmen classes and as nerd like as it is, I play a lot of chess.” He said.

“That’s nice. You’re strong and smart, perfect for our little Charlotte.” Mom cooed.

I looked at the steak and potatoes on my plate and tried to focus on eating.

“So… what's your name hun?” Mom asked.

“It’s Laurella. Most people call me Ella except for my brother here.”

“What a beautiful name. Now it’s your turn to tell.” Mom said.

“Well I’m 17, I love to read and write and especially like to play music.”

“Oh what do you play?” I asked.

“Piano, violin, guitar, flute, and the harp.” She said.

“Wow. You’re pretty talented. I play piano. I also enjoy reading and writing. It seems were both creative artists then.” I said and smiled.

Ella looked down and blushed. Aww she’s so shy! It’s really quite adorable… she’s really quite adorable...

“So how are things in Kalla? I heard there was some bad things going on with people in the kingdom?” Ches asked James.

 The two of them started chatting away about the kingdom and all that sort of stuff. Mom and Lisette listened to them and added something in when they could. Ella and I just sat quietly. I kept finding myself looking over at her…

She’s got the prettiest hair. It’s cut to her shoulders and it shiny and wavy. Oh and what she's wearing looks great. A green tank top with a black cardigan on top, jeans, and some black flats. She even had the most adorable green bow in her hair. I looked at her and noticed she had beautiful emerald eyes. I wish I had eyes like that; mine are just brown and boring. I wish I was as pretty as her. It seems the more you look at her the more beautiful she gets.

“-right Char?” Ches said.

“Um… what?” I asked.

“You checked out on us didn’t you.” He said. I nodded and he laughed. I looked up and Ella had a beautiful smile on her face and when our eyes met I blushed and looked down.

When I went to bed that night all I could think about was Ella and her beautiful emerald green eyes.

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