Part 18

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After three months have passed
-The relationship between Ender Kaya and Yigit got better and he moved in with them
-Shahika tried to separate Inder and Kaya many times, but it didn't work
-Khaled died because of the fault of Shahika and Yildiz , Ender who pushed him down the stairs and kaya know about it
-A love affair began between canir and zehra and between Yigit and Leila
-Karim approached Yildiz after Khaled's death
-Ali Hassan Bey, a new partner in the company, appeared after Khaled's death

In the company

Ender entered Kaya's office, Shahika was sitting on the chair, and Layla, Kaya's assistant (trying to attract Kaya to her with Shahika's help) served them coffee
E: baby
Ender approached Kaya's office and put her hand on his shoulder and kissed him on the lips. Kaya was shocked by Ender's move because she did not like to be kissed when someone was around.
K: did you finish your work?
E: Yes
Shahika was looking at them with jealousy and anger
K: Thank you, Leila, you can leave
E: My love, what do you think that we go out and take the children to have lunch in the restaurant?
K: Yes nice idea
S:Can I come with you?
K: Yes you can
S: I will go get my things
Kaya was putting his hand on Ender's waist, who was standing beside him, he pulled her towards him and sat her on his lap and put his hands around her waist.
E: Kaya what are you doing
K: I know why you kissed me in front of them
E: I just wanted to kiss you
K: Ender, there is no need for you to be jealous of anyone, because I do not see anyone but you
E: Kaya, if I kissed you, I will be jealous ?
K: Haha, are you ready to go?
E: Yes, Kaya, I am mad at you, you have know
K: Why baby?
E: You know why
K: Ender, I didn't mean anything, I was just surprised

In the car
Shahika was sitting in the back seat
Kaya is trying to reconcile Ender, he takes her hand, kiss her palm
S: Brother, what do you think to look at the road before you do an accident
E: First time Shahika says something logical

They reached the restaurant
What do you want what you think we eat burger
Er/M/yi: Yes
S: I want salad
E: I want a salad, spaghetti and salmon
S: Ender are you kidding?

E:No, I'm very hungry
S: what is this Are you going through menopause?
K: Shahika
S: OK Ender as you wish
She was eating very appetizingly
E: yumm the pasta is very tasty
Er: This is the first time I see my mom eat this amount
M: me too
E: Kaya, I want to taste your burger please ( in a cute way)
Ender, you don't like this kind of bread
E: I like it now Kaya
K: ok askim Take as you wish
E: Give me by your hand
Ender took a bite out of Kaya's piece
E: it's Delicious
after they finished eating

K: What do you think we order sweet
M: Yes, I want cheesecake
Er: I got chocolate cake
Yi:me too
S: Nothing I don't want
K: Ender baby do you want
E: Um, yes, I want a blueberry cheesecake I also like the strawberry flavor
K: ok we will eat together
E: yes sure
Shahika was laughing at Ender condition
S: I can't believe if you eat like this every day you will get very fat Ender
K: she can Eat whatever she wants
E: my love
K:guys , how was your day?
M: not bad
Er: Mom, dad they chose me to play the guitar in the school concert
E: My son
Er: Dad, I want you to help me with the exercises
K: Sure and you yigit how was your day
Yi: Not good
E: Why darling, did something happen to you?
Yi: Layla and I got separated
S; Why?
Yi: I don't want to speak now on this subject
E: When you want to talk, your father and I are there
Yi: Sure
K: if you're done, let's go
M: okay
K: Shahika go with Yigit
S: Why?
K: Ender and I we have a job
Ender looked at him and didn't speak
E: mom take care of yourselves
Yi: don't worry
Kaya grabbed Ender's hand and went outside and got into the car
E: Kaya any work?
K:Not work, but a surprise
E: To where?
K: surprise
Kaya took a small black robe from behind
K: turn around to put it on for you
E: Why  I don't want
K: Ender, it's a surprise. I don't want you to know quickly
E: okay
Kaya kissed her lips lightly
K: i love you
E: I'm still mad from you
K: really?
E: yes
With the passage of time Ender was holding kaya's arm
E: Kaya where are we going
Kaya entered a neighborhood that was considered a middle-class with buildings all over the sea
E: I smell the sea
K: What is this you have a  strongest sense of smell
E: Are we near the sea?
K: Yes
E: Can i see ?
K: No, no, you will spoil the surprise
E: Ok kaya quickly i feel the tightness of this thing in my eyes
K: baby wait a minute
Kaya parked the car under a building and got off
E: kaya, kaya where are you?
K: I'm coming to you
Kaya opened the door and Ender came down, kaya hold her by her hand and his other hand around her waist
E: Kaya, where are you going?
Kaya picked her up and she put her hands around his neck
Kaya climbed the stairs to the third floor
E: Kaya, I'm starting to get scared
K: Ender be patient a minute later
Kaya dropped Ender to the ground while she was still holding on to him scared
Kaya opened the door and let her inside and lock the door
E: kaya where are we? (She is holding on his arms)
Kaya took off the robe from Ender's eyes. She was standing in front of him. Ender was shocked when she looked around
E: I can't believe Kaya you still keeps the house
K: I bought it five years ago
E: Why didn't you tell me when you got back
K: I wanted to bring it back, it was when we lived here, and last week it finished, and I wanted to surprise you.
E: Kaya, I can't believe it. Thank you baby
K: We can come here whenever we want to rest and sit alone
Ender turn and kiss kaya on his lips
E: I can't believe

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