part 2

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Lila and Will's secret affair begins, The growing tension between Lila and Lady Harrington, Will's controlling mother, Lila's dedication to her job and passion for design catches the eye of the resort's head of design, Lady Harrington's attempts to sabotage Lila's career and reputation


Lila and Will's relationship deepens, but they must keep it a secret from Lady Harrington, Will's controlling mother. Lady Harrington sees Lila as a threat to her power and reputation at the resort, and she begins to spread rumors about Lila's work ethic and dedication. Lila is determined to prove her worth, and the tension between her and Lady Harrington escalates, leading to a dramatic confrontation at the resort's annual fashion show.

(Interior of Will's office. Will and Lila are sitting close together on the couch, holding hands.)

Lila: "I know we shouldn't be doing this, Will. Your mother would be furious if she found out."

Will: "I don't care about my mother's opinion. All that matters is how I feel about you."

Lila: (sighs) "I know, but I don't want to cause any trouble."

Will: "You're not causing trouble. My mother just needs to learn to accept that I can make my own decisions."

(Loud knocking on the door interrupts them. Lady Harrington storms in.)

Lady Harrington: "William! I need to speak with you immediately."

Will: (stands up, defensively) "What is it, mother?"

Lady Harrington: "What is it? Do you not realize the scandal you're causing by having a relationship with one of the maids? And don't think I don't know about her dreams of becoming a fashion designer. It's not appropriate for someone in her position to be fraternizing with the owner of the resort."

Lila: (stands up, trembling) "I'm sorry, Lady Harrington. I never meant to cause any trouble."

Lady Harrington: (scoffs) "Save your apologies. You're nothing but a gold-digger trying to climb the social ladder."

Will: (steps in front of Lila protectively) "That's enough, mother. Lila is a hardworking and talented woman. And I won't let you sabotage her career."

(Lady Harrington storms out in a huff, leaving Will and Lila alone once again.)

Lila: (tearfully) "I can't believe she would say that about me."

Will: (wraps his arms around her) "Don't listen to her, Lila. You're better than she'll ever be."

Lila: (leans into his embrace) "I just wish I could prove her wrong about my designs."

Will: "Maybe you can. In fact, I have an idea." (smirks)

Lady Harrington continued, "I'm afraid you're getting ahead of yourself, Lila. You may have caught Will's attention for now, but you'll never be good enough for him in the long run. He needs someone from our world, not a lowly maid."

Lila's eyes narrowed in anger. "I may be a maid, but I have just as much worth as anyone else. And I won't let you or anyone else belittle me."

Meanwhile, Will was struggling with his own inner conflict. He couldn't deny his feelings for Lila, but he also knew the truth of his mother's words. His family would never approve of their relationship, and he didn't know if he had the strength to go against them.

As the tension grew, Lila's talent for design continued to impress the head of design at the resort. He offered her a job as his assistant, which would mean leaving her position as a maid.

Lila: "Are you serious? This is amazing!"

Head of Design: "I'm very serious. You have a real talent for design, and I think you could go far with the right guidance."

As the day of the fashion show approached, Lila was putting the final touches on her designs when she received a surprise visit from Lady Harrington.

"I hope your designs are better than your attitude," Lady Harrington sneered. "I'll be watching closely to make sure you don't embarrass me in front of the other guests."

Lila tried to keep her cool and focus on her work, but she couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety that settled in her stomach. She knew that Lady Harrington had the power to make or break her career, and the last thing she wanted was to give her a reason to criticize her work.

The day of the fashion show arrived, and Lila's heart was racing as she watched the models walk down the runway in her designs. The audience was impressed with the bold colors and unique shapes, and Lila felt a sense of pride as she watched her creations come to life.

But as the final model walked off the runway, Lady Harrington stood up and began to clap slowly. "Well, well, well," she said loudly. "It seems that even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while."

The audience fell silent as Lady Harrington continued to insult Lila's designs, calling them "gaudy" and "unoriginal." Lila felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment as Lady Harrington's words echoed through the room.

But then something unexpected happened. One of the judges, the head designer at the resort, stood up and began to speak.

"Lady Harrington, I couldn't disagree with you more," he said. "These designs are fresh, bold, and innovative. They capture the spirit of our resort and showcase the talent and creativity of our staff."

The audience burst into applause as Lila felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. She had won the award for best designer, despite Lady Harrington's attempts to embarrass her.

After the show, the head designer approached Lila and offered her to become the head of designer at the resort "I was so impressed with your designs," he said. "I think you have a bright future in this industry, and I would be honored to have you on my team."

Lila glad accept the offer but still feared that Lady Harrington will never stop doing her bad attitude towards her since it's was her son's resort. She can control almost everything

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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