Chapter 1

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It's been one month since we left him.

"Your name is Sophia, got it?" Avery tells me.
"Yeah, but it's going to be hard for me to catch on to this." I tell her as she picks her purse up off the counter. I spin the barstool around and follow her as she walks across the room.
"That's why we're practicing." She tells me. "Come on." She opens the door and I leap off the barstool. We walk out the door to our new apartment and down five flights of stairs. We get onto the side walk and walk down to the Barnes and Nobles on the corner.
"What book is it?" Avery asks me.
"To Kill a Mockingbird." We split up and begin to search the store for the novel.
I walk over to the historical fiction section to begin my hunt. I trip over a girl sitting on the floor.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She says pulling her legs up to her chest.
"That's alright." I tell her. She smiles. I turn to leave, but decide to ask for help instead. "You wouldn't have any idea where I can fine To Kill A Mockingbird, would you?" I ask politely. The girl looks up again.
"Um. Not specifically, but you're in the right section." She laughs. I smile.
"Okay, thanks." I give her a small wave and continue down the aisle of books. I finally find it in the third aisle of historical fiction on the end of the shelf near the top. There are six copies, and they're all squished between copies of other books. I try to reach the novel, but I'm too short. 4' 10" isn't a great height for everything.
I look around, hopeful someone friendly an tall can rescue me. A little old man to my left browses some big thick books, and a little girl sits on the floor by the wall with a stuffed hippo. I try again. Still too short. I decide to stand on the bottom shelf to try and reach it. I grip onto one of the shelves with one hand, and place my foot on the bottom shelf, hoping its sturdy enough to hold my ninety-eight pounds of female. I reach, and I can touch the binding to the book, but I can grab it. It's wedged to tightly between the other copies of itself.
"You need some help?" A male voice asks behind me. I turn my head to see a tall boy, with messy black hair and pale skin. His eyes look at me pathetically and I flash him an awkward smile.
"That'd be great thanks." I say stepping down off the bookshelf. I pull my shirt down as he reaches up and pulls me down a copy with ease. He hands me the little grey book.
"Thanks." I repeat as the book touches me hands. He smiles a little.
"No problem." He says. And he turns and walks away. I clutch the book to my chest and rush over to the fiction books Sabrina went to.
"Av- Sabrina." I catch myself. Her face shows up behind one of the shelves and the look on her face makes mine get hot. She comes to my side.
"You found it?"
"Good, let's get out of here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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