Chapter 9: The Reality

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Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi stood on the bridge of the ship looking at the red planet of Geonosis below. Grim stood beside Obi-Wan. She twirled her Padawan braid around her finger absentmindedly as the two Jedi Masters spoke.

"I can not believe we are back here again," Obi-Wan told Ki-Adi.

"It is unfortunate," Ki-Adi replied. "But the resistance from the native geonosians was stronger than anticipated."

"The same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku."

"A fact that is often overlooked."

Grim didn't say anything as the two of them talked, nor was she fully listening to the conversation in the first place.

She instead watched the planet down below, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as a feeling of excitement caused her heart to flutter. She was like this every time she visited a planet she had yet to go.

Although Grim's excitement soon twisted into anxiety. She remembered what took place in this episode and the ones following, and wasn't exactly keen on experiencing those events firsthand.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed when Anakin and Ahsoka joined the three Jedi.

"You're late," Obi-Wan told the two who had just come in.

Grim stopped fidgeting with her Padawan braid and turned around to see the two of them. Giving both the Master and Padawan a smile.

"Sorry Master," Anakin replied. "Ahsoka and I were busy rounding up the seppies near Dorin," he explained.

"My squadron alone had fifty five kills," Ahsoka chimed in proudly.

"Yeah, well mine had seventy six," Anakin told his Padawan.

Ahsoka only rolled her eyes, "show off."

Grim couldn't help but chuckle at their interaction. It always made her happy watching the two of them interact.

She found herself staring at Ahsoka for a moment longer than necessary and quickly cast her gaze back at the planet feeling her cheeks heat up. She hoped that they weren't as red as the planet was, for she felt as if they might be.

"Well, I am glad you two are enjoying yourselves," said Obi-Wan.

"Just a friendly little competition Master, nothing to worry about," said Anakin.

"What I'm worried about is how this war seems to be drawing out, with no end in sight," sighed Obi-Wan, putting a hand to his beard.

"It's not even that bad yet. This is only the beginning, just wait until we get to the worst parts. This war was made to drag on," Grim muttered under her breath.

Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi both looked at Grim. It was clear that they had heard what she said. She gave the two Masters a nervous smile, but had a feeling the two might want her to explain.

"It's why this mission is crucial," Ki-Adi said, as if he hadn't heard the concerning comment Grim had made.

"Agreed," said Anakin. He then turned to his Padawan. "Ahsoka, contact Outer Rim Command, we're ready for our briefing."

"They're already waiting for us," Ahsoka informed them.

At the briefing were the holographic figures of Masters Yoda and Windu. Along with the Jedi there was also the holographic figure of the Chancellor himself. In person were Ki-Adi, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Grim.

Upon seeing Palpatine's holographic image Grim felt herself tense up. Their eyes met for a mere moment and yet it was enough to send a shiver down the Padawan's spine.

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