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Brionna pov
It was 2 days after the incident at DisneyLand so I've been ignoring him.But it was 7:00 so I had to get up and get Love ready for day care and make breakfast so I got out of bed and Zayn woke up and walked in the bathroom the same time as me and tried to talk to me
"You still mad at me" he said about to get in the shower I just looked at him like what you think
"Fine if you gonna be so upset then I'm done" he said striping out of his clothes I just pulled my flat irons out and pressed my hair back then I got dressed (outfit in mm).Then I went to Loves room to wake her up
"Princess wake up"I said opening her blinds
"No mommy I don't want to go"she said pulling the covers over her head
If you don't get up you gonna get a whoopen
Her little ass jumped up so quick and ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth as I got her clothes out (outfit in mm)once I got her dressed I went down stairs to make breakfast I made eggs ,beacon,grits,and biscuits.Once I was done cooking I called them down to eat.After they were done eating I cleaned all the dishes and told love to get her backpack and we left
Britney pov
I woke up to get ready for work and to get Lexi ready for day care so I looked to see Harry still sleep so I woke him up
"Babe get up"
"I don't want to"
"If you don't I'm going to pour water on you" I said walking into the bathroom
"Okay I'm up" he said walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth.Once I was done brushing my teeth and washing my face I got in the shower after u got out the shower I got my blow dryer and my hot curlers out and did my hair (in mm) then I went in the closet and got dressed( outfit in mm) then I went in Lexi room to see her brushing her teeth so I just got her outfit out and did her hair after I was done with her I went to make pancakes,beacon,and eggs once I was done I called them down to eat after they were done I put the disshes in the dish washer and left
Bre'anna pov
"Kelly if you don't put your damn shoes on I'm going to beat your ass" I said getting my belt
"No I don't what to put my shoes on" Kelly said with a attitude
Then Liam walked in
"Get your daughter" I said with my hand in my hip
"What she doing"
"Being disobedient and she about to get an ass whoopen"
"Okay princess why you being mean to mommy" he asked picking her up
"Because I don't want to go to daycare " she said with a pouty face
"But you have to princess don't be hard on your mommy you'll thank her one day now apologize"
"I'm sorry mommy" she said
"It's okay now but you shoes on"
She but her shoes on and we left
Brionna pov
I arrived at work and my co-worker jasmine came next to me
"He girl"she said felling out a chart
"Hey jas what's up girl"I said putting on my white lab coat
"So what happened between you and " (she calls Zayn mr sexy) she said looking at me
"His ass cheated"
"Why haven't you kicked his ass"
"Because I'm pregnant "I said walking to my office
"Are you serious you going to tell him"he asked walking in my office
"Yeah just waiting for the right time"
"How you find out"
"I was feeling really sick and I was throwing up so I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive" I said getting paper work for my first patient of the day
"Wow girl you better tell him because when I didn't tell me kids father I was pregnant he went crazy"
"I will okay now I have to go with my patient "I said walking away
4 hours later it was my lunch so I decided to call Britney and Bre'anna to have luck with we were meeting up at Chilies
At chilies
"Hey ladies" Britney said sitting down at the table
"Hey Britney" Brionna said giving me a hug
"So how you been since the whole situation " Bre'anna asked
"Good and bad" Brionna said
"Okay so what's the bad first"Britney asked
"I'm not talking to Zayn and I'm pregnant " she said
"OMG WERE GOING TO BE AN AUNTIES AGAIN" Britney and Bre'anna said
"Ssh calm down" Brionna said laughing
"So when you going to tell him" Britney said
"Tonight" I said
It was 8:00 and I just got off of work and I'm kinda nervous to tell Zayn I'm pregnant so I walked in the house to see him watching the basketball game so I went and sat next to him and turned to tv off
"Man what the fuck" he said
"Zayn I have something to tell you"
"What" he said with an attitude
Bre'anna pov
So I got home and Liam wasn't here so I was thinking it's been along time since me and my man had sex so I decided to do something special for home since Kelly's at my moms house

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