Family time

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Brionna pov
I woke up sore as hell I tried to get to the bathroom but I fell so I crawled to the bathroom.Today My ,Zayns,Britney,and Harry family are going to Disney Land so I brushed my teeth and washed took a shower
"Babe"Zayn yelled walking in the room
"In the shower"I yelled back
"I was just checking to see where you was" he said picking up his toothbrush and toothpaste
"Oh okay"I said getting out the shower wrapping the towel around me and giving Zayn a kiss
"Is your mom and dads coming to"I asked
"Not my dad"he said walking in are closet
"Oh" I said getting dressed
Once I was done getting dressed I walked in to love room seeing her packing her bag since we're staying for a week
"Mommy I can't wait to go to Disney land"she said jumping up and down
"I can tell" I said picking her outfit out
"Why do we have to live in Moreno Valley" love asked asked me
"Because we do" I said putting her clothes we all were dressed we loaded the car with are bags and started are trip
Britney pov
For some weird reason Harry wasn't talking to me but I bet whatever it is he'll get over it so I got up brushed my teeth washed my face and took a shower once I got out the shower I walked in the room and got dressed while I was putting on my heels Harry walked in the room with a dressed Lexi
"Mommy can we go now"
"Yes"I said grabbing my purse and Lexi and I suitcase walking to the car.We got in are car and drove of
1 hour later
Nobody pov
We arrived at the Paradise Per Hotel we parked are car and got out
"Hey Brionna" Britney said walking up to her while Lexi
"Aunty Bre'Anna!"Lexi yelled running to her
"Hi stinky butt"Bre'Anna said while picking her up
"What about your favorite uncle" Liam said making a pouty face
"Hi uncle Liam" Lexi said
"Love why are you being so shy" Bre'anna said
"Idk I just want to go to Disney land already "
"Well let's check into the hotel"Brionna said walking to the entrance
Brionna pov
We checked in with the lady we went inside the Micky mouse suite and it was beautiful.We went and changed out of are sweats and got dressed in are Disney Land outfits (outside in mm)
"Mommy lest go"love said grabbing my hand pulling me
"Okay let's go"she said laughing
Britney pov
After we checked in we all went up and change are clothes( outfit in mm) .Harry was still ignoring and it was getting really irritating so I decided to start a conversation with him
"Babe what's wrong"I asked putting my makeup on
No response
"Why aren't you talking to me" I said as a wrapped my arms around his waist
"Move Britney damn" he said pushing me off of him
"Hold up nigga don't be pushing me you then lost your damn mine"
"You lost your damn mine last night " he yelled
"So this is what this about you know what since you want to act like a little boy and not grow some balls I bet another nigga wouldn't mine me ridding his dick at night when he sleep" I said walking out and switching my hips
Brionna pov
We all arrived at Disneyland and the kids were so excited the were jumping around
"Okay so what you'll want to ride first " said Brionna
"How about we take the kids on the little kid rides and you'll go and be a couple and ride the big kids ride" Trisha Zayn's mom said
"Okay"Zayn's said
"We'll be good girl for granny okay"
"Yes mommy see you later" she said pulling her hand and the walk away
Everybody was all cuddled up expect for Harry and Britney the weren't even talking
Britney pov
I wanted to be cuddled up with my husband but he wants to be so upset about last night.As we were walking a girl stop to talk to Harry but when I turned around I saw her touching all up on him and he ain't doing shit about it so I walked up to them but I'm going to be nice
"Excuse me but can you get your hands off my man" I asked with a big smile on my face
"No I can not"she said with an slick attitude
"Listen here you thirsty ass slut don't get fucked up in DisneyLand in front of all theses little kids now take your hands off my man before you get slapped"
"No" she said feeling in his abs so I slapped the mess out her
"Omg Britney" Brionna and Bre'anna said
"Now walk away hoe"I said she walked away so fast I looked at Harry because he was really trying me and had the the nerves to smile at me and try to me all cuddled up
"Babe I'm sorry" he said grabbing me and holding bye my waist since we're in the hunted mansion line
"No your not" i said pulling away from him standing in front of him next to Brionna since I'm getting in the ride with her
"Yes I am" he said rapping his hand around my waist and kissing my neck
"Okay you are" I said kissing his lips
Brionna pov
I was in line when I heard a girl call Zayn's name
???:Zayn babe why haven't you return my call she said touching him I don't know who this hoe thought he was but she about to catch a beat down

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