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Y/N trod through the facility cautiously, expecting at any corner to be ambushed by a gootraxian. It seemed empty, but they knew it wasn't.
They knew this very well.
After walking for what felt like a lifetime, the lights suddenly began shutting off, one by one. The low power mode didn't come on.
A blackout, as the other researchers named it. These were extremely rare in the old facility, but Y/N assumed it was the new common now it was run-down and decrepit, with no electricians to rework the low power mode.
Y/N noticed the blackout and broke into a run, swerving into the garden zone and reaching the tree, with an assortment of pillows beneath it. Nobody was there, so they thought it was the perfect 'Safezone' to recharge at. They sat down on one of the pillows, resting their head against the tree trunk and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Waking, Y/N slowly came to the realization that there were two gootraxians, a Hazzy and a Kaiju, who were both staring at them in what was obviously hostility.
"What the hell do you think you're doing here, human?! This is no place for your kind!" The Hazzy exclaimed in anger.
"I, uh, uhm.." Y/N stammered to no avail.
"Button it, intruder. We're bringing you to the boss!" The Kaiju butted in.
Suddenly, the Hazzy and Kaiju looked at each other, seemingly noticing that this human was awake. The Hazzy seemed to have come up with something, as they swung their gloved fist at Y/N, successfully knocking them out. It all went black. Again.
The second Y/N came to, they found that they were tied up with duct tape covering their mouth. Thankfully, they did not have a blocked nose so it didn't make them suffocate. Suddenly, they noticed a shadow in their peripheral.
Whipping their head around, they noticed a cat-like figure approaching them. A Panther with long, fluffy hair wearing a suit was standing in front of them, obviously displeased.
"Hm, you seem to be.. stupider.. than what I've read in the books.." the Panther spoke, shaking her head. You, obviously offended, attempted to speak but, one, the duct tape covering your mouth stopped you, and two, the Panther rose a finger to your already-muffled mouth. "Shush. Do you want to be shredded?" You quickly shook your head. "Good." The Panther seemed pleased now. By now, you could tell that she was supposed to be the 'Boss'. "Listen, human," her face returned to a frown, "It is my job as the HR to help out the other gootraxians around here. If I cannot do that because of stupid people like you, the gootraxians will die by my paws. Am I clear on the fact that introducing humans in the mix of Laminax won't help us?" You nodded. She drew her paw away, now seeming pleased once more. "Fang, by the way. Call me HR, though." She added.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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