Chapter Twenty-Two

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Don't you call him baby
We're not talking lately
Don't you call him what you used to call me


I stared out of my window, watching as the rain slowly stopped pelting against the window, holding a note Harry had left me, obviously out of infatuation when he had stayed over one time.

You looked too beautiful to wake up - H.

I glanced at the note and felt the rage bubble up inside me before I grabbed my phone and called Zayn.


"I'm in" Was all I said, throwing the note in the trash can.

"Knew you'd change your mind. I'll be there at six" Zayn chuckled.

The line cut and I was left in the complete silence again, causing me to stand up from the chair in the corner of my room and saunter towards my dimmed closet. My wardrobe had been filled with most of my modest, work clothing, seeming taking up the majority of the closet. But as my fingers skimmed the pieces of fabric, a deep red, bodycon dress came to sight.

It wasn't slutty or overly revealing. It had a high, halter-top neck that prohibited a bra of any sort, but luckily had one built in. It hugged tightly along my curves and stopped right before my knees, giving me some type of walking movement with every step I took.

I quickly got ready before leaving my room, my heels clicked against the wood, Lana's piercing eyes snapped to me, furrowing her brows in confusion at my attire, "Where the hell are you going looking like that?"

Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door making me smirk as I sauntered over to open it.

"Revenge at its finest" Zayn chuckled, a smirk on his face.

"This is going to hurt," He mumbled, outstretching his arm for me to take. I giggled and wrapped my fingers around his bicep, shutting the front door and continuing with him to the garage. He seemingly couldn't take his eyes off of me, only flickering them away when I would innocently gaze upwards toward him.

"Listen" Zayn starts, glancing away from me and towards the road, "I know there's probably no chance with you romantically anymore, but tonight I think we should just push that aside and pretend that it isn't ruined. If we don't, it's probably just going to be confusing and awkward"

I nodded and glanced away from him, watching as we pulled into a rather homey looking house. It wasn't anything too big or too small, but just perfect for the two parent's living there. Zayn pulled into the driveway, parking right next to Harry's sleek Audi. We exited the car and walked up towards the front door, feeling my body begin to shake in nervousness.

"What if your parents think
I'm some whore jumping from brother to brother?"

"Well, you don't seem too interested in Tom" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, Indigo. My parents know Harry and they understand the situation, they know what he's really like. You have nothing to worry about"

I nodded while inhaling a deep breath, ruffling my hair to try and make myself appear as presentable as could be. Zayn tapped against the wooden door, making the conversation on the other side seem to lighten and footsteps pounding towards our presence. After a moment, the pretty lady from dinner opened the door, glazing her eyes over Zayn and widening once they stumble upon me.

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