"A one night stand"

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Quick authors note
This was written to get my out of a writing slump and so don't expect it to be that good 😭. Hopefully I'll try to update this,,,, also if the format is ass I apologize 😔
Word count: 2033
It was a warm morning, the air felt heavy but the sun seemed to be nowhere in sight. It had been like this for a few days. It was that time of spring when the sun was often hidden by the clouds and mist covered the city. Spencer was headed to school while he observed his surroundings. His leather boots sloshed through the puddles as he walked down the very beaten path that he took everyday to school. Unaware of the man closely walking behind him, a hand soon touched Spencer's shoulder. "Hey spency!" A cheerful voice hummed in Spencer's ear and they soon saw it was Mirio, one of their close friends from middle school. He smiled coyly and looked at him "Hey Miri". Spencer's voice was rather dull compared to Mirios but it was always like that. "So! How has your morning been so far? Have you eaten breakfast yet?". Spencer nodded "It's been ok, and no not yet. Have you?" They asked as they looked up at him again, their glasses reflecting as they did. Mirio shook his head and sighed
"I woke up a bit late, so I had to skip breakfast"
"We could go to the convenience store by the elementary school and grab some coffee, I think they have some shitty biscuits too if you'd want one. I can pay."
Mirio smiled, "That would be really nice.!" he thought for a minute "Are you sure you wanna pay? I can if you want!" Spencer shook his head "my treat" He said as he turned on the street that led to the elementary school, it was right down the road from their highschool so he would sometimes get breakfast and snacks from there after school. Spencer walked into the store and held open the door for Mirio as he walked in. The chime of the bell rang a little in Spencer's ears. Spencer walked over to the coffee making station and made themselves a cup of sugary hot coffee, Mirio wandered over to the drink fridges and grabbed an iced coffee from one of them, Spencer laughed quietly as they looked at him holding the iced caramel macchiato. "I forgot you liked those.." Mirio blushed a little in embarrassment "Oh, yeah..! I Don't really like bitter coffee that much." As they walked up to the cashier Spencer grabbed a pack of coffee cakes and set them down on the counter. Mirio laughed "I guess I forgot something too, I forgot you love those things..!" He teased. Spencer's face flushed pink as they looked away "shut up.."
They soon left the small store and continued down the path to their highschool, Spencer sipped his hot coffee before slipping the coffee cakes into his bag.
"You're not gonna eat them right now?" Mirio questioned.
"No Id rather save them for after school, I get really hungry after school anyways"
"That's fair, by the way did you do the math homework?" he asked
"Shittttt...can I copy your answers?" He looked at him with big puppy eyes
    Mirios face flushed red, he hated when he would do that to him because he could never say no. He soon sighed and nodded "Yeah, meet me at lunch and I'll let you copy my paper.." Spencer smiled and hugged his arm "You're the best.." Mirio's heart started to race now. He loved it when Spencer would be this close to him. It made his face burn and his hands sweat. Spencer pulled away as they entered the school grounds. "I gotta head to class, see you at lunch Miri..!'' He walked away, the charms on his backpack swaying as he walked. Mirio was in a bit of a daze as his close friend Tamaki came up to him. He snapped out of it when Tamaki said his name.
    "I asked if you wanted to come with me and Nejire to get something to eat for lunch."
    "Oh, sorry I gotta give some homework answers to spencer..! But maybe another time? I gotta head to my first period, I'll see you around Tamaki!"
    Tamaki shook his head slightly as Nejire came up to him and saw the look on his face "he said no didn't he?" "Yup.. said he had to give answers to Spencer for homework" "God he just needs to confess already.." Nejire and Tamaki both sighed before walking to their classes. It was soon lunch and Mirio headed to the cafeteria, he got a text from Spencer "Hey meet me near the old gym" Mirio replied back "ok!" He walked swiftly to the old gym, it had been unused for a while and a lot of students just used it as a study hall or hang out place. He waited near an old oak tree and hummed a small tune to himself. Leafs drifted across the sidewalk and the wind seemed to flow through them peacefully. He watched the leaves fly off before he heard Spencer's voice call out for him. "Miri!" They walked up to him and smiled "We can go under the shady part of the trees and sit there if you want." Mirio nodded, Spencer led him to it and checked to see if the grass was wet, it was slightly damp but Spencer didn't mind all that much.
They both sat down and Mirio dug through his bag before handing Spencer his homework. Him and Spencer talked for a while as Spencer copied down his answers. Spencer spoke up "Thank you Miri.! I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can do to pay you back? Mirio blushed "Oh.! There's no need to pay me back, Spency! Promise!" Spencer laughed slightly "You sure? I copy your homework all the time! I gotta pay you back somehow.." Mirio's face flushed a little more, he had a chance to ask them out finally! He nervously looked at them "Well um..There is something you could do..!" Spencer nodded a little "yeah?" Mirio took Spencer's hand and held it with his "Spencer, will you go out with me?" Spencer's face turned bright red as they processed what he had just asked of them. They soon snapped out of their thoughts when they heard their friends yelling their name, they had forgotten that they had planned on skipping with their friends after lunch "Fuck I um..I gotta go-" They quickly grabbed their stuff and stuffed it into their bag, they ran off. Leaving Mirio behind, clueless and embarrassed. Mirio sat there for the rest of the day, he felt humiliated. What was he supposed to say to them when he saw them again? What was he supposed to do if Spencer told people? He tried not to cry as he soon heard the last bell ring, he got up from the now dry grass and lifted his backpack onto his shoulders. As he was walking home he heard a familiar voice calling his name. Spencer. "Mirio wait!" They caught up to him and grabbed his hand "lets go to my place ok?" They quickly walked with him, Mirio was very surprised and confused by this but he didn't say anything and just followed Spencer.
They got to Spencer's small apartment and Spencer let him in, he closed the door. "Spencer you don't have to go out with me I promise it was just a dumb thing to say at the moment-" He was abruptly cut off by a passionate kiss from Spencer. Mirio's eyes widened, he kissed back and soon held Spencer's hips gently, his eyes now closed and face burning up. Spencer's arms wrapped around Mirio's neck as the kiss deepened. Small noises escaped Mirio's mouth as they kissed more. Spencer pulled away "I'm sorry I left you there..I just..I panicked..And I wanna make it up to you even more now.." They kissed his neck gently "Would this be ok..?" They asked. Mirio's body relaxed as he felt Spencer's warm lips pressed against his neck. "Y..yeah I would..love too" He managed to get out those words as his mind was filled with lustful thoughts. Spencer led him to their bedroom and sat him on the bed before kissing him passionately again and pulling away, they slipped their shirt off and helped him with his. He was much larger compared to Spencer, larger muscles and arms. Spencer started to leave hickeys down Mirios neck as they sucked on his velvet soft skin. They felt Mirios hands wander their body as they continued.
His hands gently tugged on Spencer's pants, he was getting impatient. But Spencer didn't mind, Spencer slipped their pants down and crawled on top of Mirio. Mirio looked up at Spencer nervously but smiled "you look so handsome Spencer...I've always wanted to see you on top of me.." Spencer blushed in embarrassment "..I didn't know you thought of me like that.." Mirio laughed before gently touching Spencer's cheek and grazing his thumb under Spencer's tired eye. "I've thought a lot about you over the years Spencer.." He kissed him, slipping his tongue into his mouth. His rough hand holding the back of Spencer's head, entangling his fingers in Spencer's short dark brown hair. Spencer whimpered into the kiss, God hearing Spencer soft noises and moans made Mirio crazy. He pushed Spencer onto the bed and held down his wrists. "I wanna make you mine Spencer.." Spencer looked into Mirios deep blue eyes and smiled "Please Mirio..." Mirio kissed him and soon felt a tent growing in his pants. He pulled away, a string of salvia still connecting their lips. "Are you sure this is ok..?" He asked as he looked at them innocently. "Yes..Im sure" they smiled before seeing him starting to unbutton his pants. They blushed as they looked at the bulge in his boxers. Spencer stopped him before he took his boxers fully off, they gently touched his thigh before running their finger up his thigh to his bulge, every nerve in Mirios body prickling up into goosebumps. They leaned down and kissed his bulge and made their way up his v-line to his nipples. "S..Spencer.." He moaned quietly. Mirio grabbed Spencer's hand gently and intertwined his fingers with his. They kissed as Spencer slipped down Mirio's boxers. Now feeling his cock pressed against their hole. Spencer got their boxers off finally. Mirio thought for a minute "Do you have any lube..?" Spencer nodded "Yeah let me grab it" He grabbed a small bottle from his night stand before handing it to Mirio and kissing his cheek "We can go as slow or as rough as you want ok..?"
Mirio blushed and nodded "o..ok!" He put some lube on his fingers before softly rubbing it on Spencer's hole, slipping his fingers into them just to tease them. "Hah.." Spencer let out a soft moan. Mirio soon lined himself up with Spencer's hole, Spencer wrapped their arms around his neck and nuzzled into him. Mirio pushed in before hearing Spencer let out a loud moan of his name. He soon held Spencer's hips and thrusted into him. Spencer moans of pleasure filled the room as Mirio's speed seemed to go faster and faster. "Mirio please..! Fuck..God..God damnit.." They whimpered as they looked down to see Mirio cock thrusting into their body. Tears welled up in Spencer's eyes as Mirio soon kissed him and slipped his tongue into Spencer's mouth once again. Mirio spoke in a husky voice "Come on baby.. You can take it.." he pushed them down onto the bed "You look so pretty when you cry.." Mirio was getting close, He pushed in one last time as he felt his body warm up and feel like it was exploding. He released into Spencer and panted heavily. "Fuck..." He looked down to see Spencer, He leaned down and kissed Spencer forehead, moving Spencer's now sweaty and messy hair out of his face. "You ok..?" He asked. Spencer panted before nodding "Y..yeah Im ok..You were fucking amazing.." They sat up and kissed him "We should bathe...come on, I'll set us up a nice bath.." They smiled before hopping off the bed.

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