Chapter 35 - No.

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Chapter 35 – No.

Lucy's POV

My alarm wakes me up at half seven like usual as I forgot to turn it off last night. Groaning, I roll onto my side and reach over to turn off the noise. Everyone who's taking part in the attack today is taking the day off, whether it's from school or work, as we want the morning to prepare ourselves for whatever we're going to have to face today. If all goes well, we'll hopefully get away with minimal (if any) injury, but I feel like that may be too much to ask for. The fact that I'm being used as bait is still the first worry of mine about this plan, the second being the amount of rogues we'll actually have to face today.

My role today is to walk five to ten minutes ahead of everyone else, in human form, to try and get Kailen and the other rogues to believe that I've actually given up before everyone else comes charging to the rescue and takes them out.

David doesn't want to kill Kailen straight up, which is yet another thing that I'm opposed to, because he wants some answers first. He wants to know more about the other rogue gatherings across the country as Devlin only had limited knowledge on the subject and couldn't tell us much. To get these answers, I'm not going to be the only one in human form as David, Justin, Dean, Amy and Jess are all going to be joining me pretty soon after the attack starts, leaving it up to everyone else to cover us until we have all the information needed and can change and join the fight. I tried to argue last night that there'll be too many of us going in human form but David wanted to be the one to question Kailen, Amy and Jess didn't want to leave me being one of the only ones unprotected as I'd be an easy target for the rogues to go after (they even pulled the three musketeers card at the meeting), and Justin wants to stay as close to me as possible at all times during this fight so he can quickly phase and stop me from getting hurt if I get a surprise attack. Dean is following Justin's lead (although I'm pretty sure it has something more to do with Amy being in possible danger than me). I'm sure those of us in human form will be okay, though, as there are going to be at least eight of us in wolf form to begin with, including Helen and Max who claim that taking down rogues is in their blood. As for Beck, nobody really knows what his plan is for today, or if he's even coming at all, and I don't know how to approach him about it as he's still mad at me.

Sighing, I climb out of bed and move to grab some clean clothes from my wardrobe. I know I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep now. I don't pick out anything special, knowing that it will probably just get shredded when I phase later anyway. In the end, I pick out an old checked top and some worn jeans, heading to the bathroom with them to take a shower. 

Once showered and dressed with my teeth brushed, I head back to my room but end up pausing in the doorway the second I see Beck sat on the edge of my bed. His head rises to look at me when he notices me standing here, and I quickly take note of the troubled look in his eyes.

"Hey," I say awkwardly, not really sure where I stand with him right now, before moving to dump my pyjamas in my washing basket on top of the towel I threw in yesterday.

"I'm sorry," he blurts out quickly, causing me to turn back and look at him in surprise. Beck, being such a stubborn prat, hardly ever apologises.

As I turn to look at him, I take more time to carefully study him, and notice the redness to his eyes and dark shadows underneath them.

"Jesus, Beck, how much sleep did you get last night?" I ask, unable to keep the worry from my voice as he rubs at his eyes quickly. He looks pretty damn awful.

"I don't know... not a lot I don't think," he replies. "Maybe an hour or two?"

"Well, it shows," I say honestly. "Go back to sleep."

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