Chapter 9 - There's never a dull moment when he's around...

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Chapter 9 - There's never a dull moment when he's around...

Lucy's POV

Half an hour after we set out in search for Beck, we finally reach the outskirts of his usual territory, and I quickly come to a stop.
My heart's hammering with excitement as I quickly motion for Devon to hand out our clothes; I have a feeling that this entire plan will go a lot smoother if we're in human form when we actually find him.

Altogether, there are only the six of us on this little trip: Justin, David, Dean, Wayne, Devon and me. I know that everyone was probably shocked as hell when I brought up Beck back at Justin's house, and I know that everyone here right now is curious as to how I know someone like Beck, but the story's way too long to explain properly.

The truth is he saved me.

Three years ago, a few days after my thirteenth birthday, I took a run out into the forest as usual. My mind wasn't exactly clear at that point, it never is around that time of year, as exactly eight years before I'd just found out that my parents had died.
So, there I was, running as fast as I could to try and take my mind off of everything, when I came across a patch of hunter's turf. At that point in time I'd never come across human hunters before, so I had no idea what sort of danger I was in, and I just kept on running. I remember something suddenly crashing into my right side, sending me flying and effectively stopping me in my tracks. At the time I had started to panic, thinking it was one of my Pack members who'd followed me, but I didn't recognise the scent, or the giant brown wolf with sky blue eyes. And when I say giant, I mean giant; he had to be at least twice the size of my thirteen year old Omega self. I was small and scared, waiting for him to attack, but he never did. He just continued to study me, his eyes more concerned than anything, and I stared right back, slowly becoming less and less afraid of him and more curious.
After a few minutes of continuous studying, he trotted off, finding a fairly sturdy log from the floor and dragging it back, throwing it on the ground. Immediately, the bear trap snapped into action, breaking the log, which would've been my leg if he hadn't stopped me, clean in half.

Like I said, he saved me.

After that, he led me back to his 'home' in the middle of the forest, phased back, got changed, and told me to wait there.
And I did, for some reason I trusted this stranger.
When he returned, he had some clothes in hand and dropped them on the floor in front of me, telling me to change before leaving again to give me some privacy.
Once changed, I contemplated what to do for a few seconds before heading back outside to find him. He was sat on a rock by a little stream waiting for me, and I quietly went over and sat next to him.
We got talking, introducing ourselves and our lives. Ever since that day we've been really good friends, and he's taught me everything I know about the forest.
Every once in a while I'll go and visit him but I've not managed to get down and see him recently so I'm really happy about how this situation's turned out.
Usually when I come down to visit, I'll stay over for a few nights and we'll head into the nearest town, wreaking havoc wherever we go.
He introduced me to his lifestyle. Being a lone wolf isn't exactly glamorous, but it sure as hell is fun.

Once I've phased back and changed into my blue skinny jeans and black top, I re-join the others and we continue walking, now in human form, towards Beck's place.

"How much further is it?" David asks me as we walk.

"Roughly about ten minutes," I reply, looking over at him as he stands on my right.

On my left I have Justin silently walking beside me, seemingly in a bad mood. In fact, he's been in a pretty foul mood ever since we left the house and I can't figure out why, not that it's really any of my business anyway.

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