something else

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      Your fingers flew over the keys of your laptop as you frantically searched any and all social media for Tate: there was no trace. You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration, why the hell was it like he didn't exist? Finally, desperate to just see his face again and validate your suspicions, you went to your school's page.

      There weren't many pictures of him, but there were enough. That was unquestionably him at the Fall Festival, and he looked abnormally the same. You had no idea where to go from there or what to do with this information, so, you called Delaney.

   She picked up after a couple rings, "Hey Y/N, what's up?"

   "I saw Tate," you informed her immediately.

   "Shut up," she gasped. "Where?! What happened?"

   "My aunt's stupid work party thing, he was there with his mom," you started. "But it was like, weird."

   "He's always weird," she teased. "And you haven't seen him in years. So where the hell was he?"

   "That's the thing, I have no idea. He looks exactly the same, like, exactly the same."

   "Damn," she chortled. "Tell him drop the skincare routine."

   You slapped a hand to your forehead, "No like... ugh, I can't describe it. You'd just have to see him."

   "Maybe he's a vampire," she joked.

  "Ha ha," you deadpanned, then continued. "Him and his mom were like arguing about me though, like she was really upset that we'd seen each other."

   "What the fuck? Okay yeah that's definitely weird. Does he have insta?"

   "No," you said, annoyed with him and his aversion to technology. "He doesn't have anything I can contact him on. And he changed his number years ago."

   "Damn, you really pissed him off, huh?" She kept bantering, then offered, "Well what about that big ass house he lived in, think he's still there? You've been there, right?"

   If a lightbulb could have materialized over your head, it would have: "Del, you're genius."

   "Tell that to my mom," she quipped, and you chuckled. You thanked her for the idea, she asked you to keep her updated, and you hung up.

   You were thankful then that you and Aunt Thea had opposite schedules, so you wouldn't have to tell her where you were going. The following weekend you planned on a trip to the Langdon's house.

2018, eighth grade

      By this point you'd gotten used to lying your way out of the house, and now you and Tate were skipping rocks over a pond not far from your house. You'd told Aunt Thea you were hanging with a friend, his gender purposely left out, and he traveled to meet you this time. You two had kissed not long ago at Delaney's 15th birthday party, but neither of you dared mention it. Now you guys were casually shit-talking.

   "Ha!" Tate laughed when you told him you couldn't wait to move on to freshman year. "You don't know what you're saying."

   You threw the smoothest stone you could find, "Why not?"

   "High school doesn't count for jack shit," he dug around for more rocks. "Don't build it up so much. It's just a blip in your timeline."

   "But I'll be with you again," you said innocently, but it sounded more flirtatious out loud.

   You looked at each other sheepishly, before he threw another rock and said, "I was thinking the other day.." He seemed exceptionally nervous. "I know you're only 13 and I'm only 15 but, maybe if my mom or your aunt, like, chaperoned or something, we could.. see a movie Saturday?"

   As many domestic things as he and you did together, you could tell that this was something else. He wanted you guys to be something more. A small part of you did too, but you were afraid to ruin your friendship. Your mutual crushing was pretty obvious, but you thought until this point you two had an unspoken agreement to not push things.

   "Oh, Saturday?" you responded remorsefully, and he nodded timidly. "I'm having Delaney over for a sleepover that night. I'm sorry."

   He screwed up his face and clenched his handful of stones so hard his knuckles turned white, "Fuck!" he chucked them all into the water at once. You took a step back when he turned to face you. "What have I done wrong, huh?" he demanded.

   "T-Tate what do you mean?" your voice trembled. "I just have plans that night that's all--"

   "No that's not all!" He continued shouting. "I try so hard to keep us close even though we're in different classes, but you keep trying to abandon me! Tell me what I did!"

   You'd been inching further away slowly as he yelled, your eyes swimming with frightened tears: he'd never raised his voice at you. You were the one person he was always gentle with. "You didn't do anything Tate."

   "Bullshit! Then why don't you like me anymore?" he said bitterly. A muscle in his jaw twitched and he looked furiously back and forth between your eyes. You didn't know what to say that wouldn't hurt his feelings or anger him further.

   Finally, a tear slid down your cheek, "I wanna go home."

   His expression softened then, and he shook his head slightly as if he were just coming to. You began turning to leave when he said, "No, wait, Y/N please," and grabbed your hand.

   You looked down at it, then up at him, "Please let go."

   He looked like he wanted to protest, but dropped your hand as you requested. "Please don't go, I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

   "I'm sorry Tate," you shook your head and held eye contact as you headed the opposite direction. "See you later."

You hurried home without a second glance.

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