i could or couldn't care less?

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I pressed Kai's contact to call him. 

"did you pick him up?" Kai asked.

"I did but I don't have a car seat where you want me to put him?" 

"He's 2, he can sit on his own now."

"oh." I muttered carrying him to the backseat.

"He should've told you that. He just likes being carried but it's fine. I'll send you the address on where i'm at."

"okay, thanks kai." i sighed.

I put Jayden in the backseat and buckled his seatbelt.

"Y/nnnnnn" Jayden smiled.

"Jaydennnn" I mocked him closing the door and walking to mine.

I got in and started the car.

"What you wanna listen to?" I turnt around.

"Negas In Parus."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows. "You mean Niggas In Paris?" I questioned him.

what is kai doing to this kid😟

Jayden nodded,  "It's my favorite song to sung."

I cleared my throat and started to play it, "If you say so."

"YAYYYYYY!" Jayden cheered. 

I started driving as it was a 14 minute drive.

The song started playing as I could hear Jayden throwing his head to the seat and shouting.

"Don't go break your head now." I warned him.

"Why don't I see you no more?" Jayden asked.

"Because...why don't you ask Kai that when you see him?" I told him.

"I do! He just gets sadder."


"Sa...d. Sad."

"Well is he happy now?" 

Jayden shrugged, "I guess so."

"That's good. I want him to be happy." I smiled as I turnt in the parking lot.

"That's Kai's car!" Jayden pointed, "Can the window go down?"

"Of course." I said as I put his window down.

"KAI! WHERE ARE YOUUU!" Jayden yelled.

Kai pulled his window down and stuck his head out, "HERE!"

"Why y'all yelling out loud in here." I sighed pulling up next to Kai.

He got out the car and I got out mine.

I opened the door and watched as Kai carried Jayden out, pulling him in a light hug.

"Thanks Y/n. Seriously I appreciate it." Kai looked at me with sincerity.

"Yeah no problem." I leaned against my car.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of low." Kai furrowed his eyebrows, right when I was about to say "nothing" Kai quickly put Jayden away.

"No it's fine. I just remembered some things that's all." I looked at him.

"Shit, i'm sorry Y/n. I didn't want to put you in that position. I asked you because I thought-"

"It's honestly fine Kai. I enjoyed seeing y'all again." I gave him a smile that hopefully made him stop worrying.

"I really am sorry. About everything. I know you heard this before but I am. You didn't deserve it." 

"Yeah I didn't but it's good now, we're good." 

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