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It's been only two days since their first song was streamed as a unit, and already they have garnered attention. As Natsu walks, students passing by give her nods of recognition and smiles, acknowledging their newfound success while still being treated with respect.

Student 1: Hey, Natsu! Loved your performance! Keep rocking it!

Natsu: Thank you! I appreciate your support!

Student 2: Hey, Natsu! ¿can I get your autograph?

Natsu: Of course

Student 3: Me too, please 

Natsu: okay, okay.

As she finishes the autograph signing, Natsu find the unit sat on their usual table, and runs to them.

Natsu: Guys, you have no idea how many people asked me for an autograph

Haya: that's nothing compared to how many people asked me of a selfie.

Ruri: Well get used to it, we are famous.

Danny: by the way, if anyone asks, tell them I just work as a technician for your channel.

Danny then takes his tablet out and shows them the channel scheme

Danny: okay, girls, there is something you need to know, I have a subscriber counter, I keep track on the numbers, and since the first stream, the number of subscribers and viewers has doubled, look.

Danny: okay, girls, there is something you need to know, I have a subscriber counter, I keep track on the numbers, and since the first stream, the number of subscribers and viewers has doubled, look

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Danny: My followers have never been this high.

Natsu: so our first streaming was...

Danny: a huge success.

A moment of silence to process it, then...

Everyone: ¡¡YEEEEESSSS!!

Natsu: we did it! We did it!

Haya: I am so proud of us.

Danny: okay, I have to say it, meeting you guys is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Natsu: I'm happy you say that Danny.

Ruri: This is great, because I made this celebration cake

Ruri: This is great, because I made this celebration cake

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