Chapter 8 ~ Saving Simon & Sofia

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"Magic," Jace and Clary shocked

"Again has to do with your step grand fathers side of the family Clary," Evangeline says before turning to Joseph "How much time do we have,"

"Till the blood runs out," Joseph says putting same hair behind Evangeline's ear

"Is she safe," Evangeline asks which confuses Jace and Clary

"She's fine, Raphael is watching over her, he won't harm her and he won't let anyone else harm her." Joseph says

"You know the vampire that took Simon and Sofia," Clary asks and Joseph nods

"Was friends with him until I died but he made a deal with me to protect my wife and child. He didn't know that Sofia was my daughter because I died before she was born otherwise I know he wouldn't have taken her," Joseph says which surprises Jace and Clary

"So he'll protect Sofia," Jace asks and Joseph nods before starting to cough.

"What's going on," Clary asks

"I didn't put that much blood for a strong connection," Evangeline says "Joseph has to leave for now"

"But we can bring him back and see him again right," Clary asks

She missed her uncle a lot and seeing him now made her happy

"Yes you will now come give me a hug my beautiful niece," Joseph says

Clary smiles and goes over to Joseph hugging him as Jace and Evangeline watch

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about our family," Joseph says

"It's okay," Clary says kissing her uncles cheek and walking back to Jace.

Joseph smiles to Jace and nods

"Protect my wife, my child and my niece Jace. There is a lot of danger to come your way." He says and Jace nods

"I will," Jace says as Joseph looks to Evangeline

"I love you and don't forget that," Joseph says before disappearing

"I love you too," Evangeline whispers as she feels the air start to blow

"Wow," Clary says "He he was"

"I'll teach you how to do it," Evangeline says "so that if you ever want to talk to him, you can then."

"Sweet," Clary says

"Come on," Jace says "we need to save Simon and Sofia."

The three of them head out. Jace asked Evangeline if he could Clary somewhere and Evangeline agreed as long as Jace kept Clary safe. Jace stayed us and they headed out as Evangeline waited in front of the hotel for everyone. She could feel her baby inside and she wanted to go and get her out but not yet.

Some time later, Clary and Jace show up

"Hope you two had fun," Evangeline says smiling and Clary blushes as Jace chuckles

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