Chapter 24 ~ Apologies & Trapped Souls

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Later that night, Chris, Laura, and Nick were out as Derek was playing with Sofia while Magnus and Evangeline were practicing with their magic when Alec came.

"Magnus, Derek,... Evangeline," Alec says

When he doesn't get a response from any of them, he continues knowing that since his sister wasn't answering she knew what he asked Magnus to do and Derek too.

"I'm not good at apologies but I'm...I'm sorry," he says

"Continue," Evangeline says moving around and copying what Magnus was doing

"I'm....really sorry," Alec says

"For," Derek says standing up and grabbing Sofia bottle

"Look, can you all just turn for a few minutes please." Alec says

Evangeline throws some magic to turn out a light as Alec walks over to the group

"You were right," Alec says to Derek "after what happened at the wedding, this is all new to me,"

Evangeline looked at Magnus who smiled which made Evangeline shocked. Alec and Derek were together....ish.

"This may be a surprise for you Alec but you're new for me too." Derek says

"Look with Jace missing, it's just like...the ground is shifting and I can't keep my balance just..." Alec says grabbing Derek's arm after he starts to walk away with Sofia. "I didn't mean to take it out on you"

Alec looks to Magnus sadly

"Or on you," he says "I'm sorry"

"You're forgiven," Derek says touching Alec's cheek which makes Alec smile before he looks to Magnus and Evangeline who nod that they forgave Alec too.

"You've gotten better at apologizes Alec," Evangeline says going and getting Sofia which makes them all chuckle

"Thanks sis," Alec says "I've been working on it"

"Here's the thing Alec," Derek says "we're going to face challenges so when things go crazy don't push me away"

"Or us," Magnus says hugging Evangeline from behind as Alec nods.

Magnus decides to help Alec track Jace which they find out that he's on land but what they didn't expect would be for Jace to take Valentine out of the situation they were in and back to the ship. 

Alec, Evangeline, & Sofia all headed back to the institute.

Alec was blaming Clary for all of this considering she was Valentines daughter. Evangeline knew he didn't mean any of the stuff he said and was only worried for Jace buy that didn't mean he could just tell Clary off.

"There's a clear pattern, young, strong, highly skilled fighters all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms," Lydia says as Nick and John stood beside her explaining what was going on  

"Valentine must have realized that even with the cup, creating shadowhunters isn't easy," Nick says 

"He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion," John explains 

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