The Beginnings

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Themyscira, ca. 3000 BC

With beautiful beaches, tropical trees, and a wonderful breeze, Themyscira was paradise. And the dozens of Amazons that now stood on the shores of their new eternal home agreed.

Standing on the pristine white sand that lead to lush forests and plains, Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons surveyed the land before her people, more than satisfied with what the Gods had given them after their years of torture at the hands of Heracles.

Suddenly, there was a short flash as every Amazon present looked away from the source. They immediately bowed, knowing who had arrived to see them.

"Queen Hera, we thank you for gracing us with your presence," Hippolyta greeted, bringing her head down to the goddess.

"Rise, Amazons," Hera said as she signaled with her hand. "The Gods have understood your suffering, and we have all come together to punish Heracles for his gruesome actions as well as giving you a new start. You all have deserved it."

Cheers came from within the ranks at this, and even Hippolyta couldn't help but smile with glee.

"However, there is one condition that you all must collectively agree to. When the time comes, you must send the best warrior you have at your disposal to become blessed by the Gods and travel back to the Patriarch's World to help save it from destruction. The Oracle has deemed this necessary and it is the only way that I can guarantee that no other Amazon will ever have to leave this island if they do not wish to," Hera added as she surveyed the crowd.

At this point, several murmurs spread through the Amazons. After just becoming free of Heracles, no Amazon had the slightest intention of ever returning to Man's World, however, it seemed that it was decided by the Fates. Realizing that there wasn't much choice, they all looked at Hippolyta in acceptance.

"We accept, milady," the Amazonian Queen replied.

"Very well, I also hope that you all will not stop your training now that you are here. Ares is still a God, and he is someone that would not hesitate if there is an opportunity to destroy you all."

With that dire warning, Hera flashed out.

Angry shouts came out from the Amazons at the mention of the War God. He was the mastermind behind their slavery, and every warrior present was itching for a fight with the immortal.

"Calm down, sisters," Hippolyta voiced, quickly restoring order. "I know that we were all at the mercy of that man for decades, but he cannot control us now. We must focus on relearning our old techniques and becoming the feared Amazons that we once were."

Many sounds of agreement came from the crowd of warriors, bringing a new sense of hope into Hippolyta. However, the first step of business was to turn this island into a home, something wasn't exactly an easy task.

Looking out at the Amazons and the island however, Hippolyta felt a new kind of hope, something that she hadn't felt in years.

Two years later

Hippolyta sat alone in the throne room as she brooded over the lackluster life that she now lead. The Amazons were now very independent, and the only real use that Hippolyta had was to help with important events and to occasionally make an important decision.

There seemed to be no way out of this, and while she was happy that the Amazons were slowly returning to their previous glory, Hippolyta could not stop the seeds of loneliness from sprouting in her heart. And now, they threatened to consume her as she spent her day wasting away sitting on her throne or training.

After a while, the thought struck her.

"I'm going to have a child," she said to herself.

Not sexually of course. Hera had promised Hippolyta a wish that she could call on anytime she wanted after the Amazons had come to the aid of the Gods during a battle with monsters from the Underworld. The battle was fierce, but the Gods had been victorious.

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