Dementors and Cigarettes

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Celeste sighed with relief. She managed to get on the train without her parents digging their nails into her wrist or her brother annoying her. Now, all she need to do was to find Atlas and their compartment. She found their compartment, all the way in the back. She opened the door and looked at Atlas, smirking. "Atty, you miss me?" 

"No," he snorted. She glared at him and he smiled. "Of course I did Celly! How was your summer, love?" Celeste didn't mind the pet names, since they think of each other as siblings. Atlas was more of a brother to her these past few years than Draco was. "Fine. It was fine," she said half-heartily while tracing the four weird initial engravings on the wood part of the wall. "Yours?" Cel just wanted to change the subject to anything but her. "Also fine," he said, "you know my family doesn't do much during the summer. It's the winter break they obsess over." She hummed in response.

"You wanna join the others?"

"Define 'others'..."

"Our other friends?"

"Oh. Wait, one more minute, I wanna soak up your awesomeness." The boy squeezed his best friend hard and started swinging her back and forth.

"Let me go, you bloody wanker!"

"No, please! Don't leave me, I can't handle the trauma!"

"Don't be overdramatic you big buffoon!"

"Oh, I'm overdramatic? Says the one who sent me a two-page letter a week ago with tears all over her parchment and complaining about how she broke her nail!"

"I just did them the night before, can you blame me?!"

"YES! I've never met a woman who's cried over her nail!" Atlas shouted loudly. Cel started to punch his chest repeatedly. "ATLAS. JAMES. SCOTT. LET. ME. GO."

"Alright, alright! Let's go, I need to see my beautiful Mione anyway."

"She doesn't want you Atty, besides I think she likes Ron."

"Please, she'd choose me over Ronald McDonald any day. It's not a fair competition, I've got an unfair advantage really. I'm hotter, smarter, funnier-"

"I didn't ask, now let's go."

"Yes ma'am." said Atlas, flashing her the lopsided grin half the Hogwarts population swooned over.


"Don't fret! The party has arrived!" Cel yelled as Atlas bowed to their new audience. "Lads, Mione." said Atlas while winking at Hermione. She huffed and looked out the window. Atlas might have tried to hide it, but Celeste saw the little drop in his smile when she did that. Celeste noticed a shabby looking man sleeping in their compartment. "Who's the wonky man?" 

"Professor R. J. Lupin."


"I'm sure."

"Also, Mione, I have an idea, and it's just a suggestion! Just a suggestion, of course," said Celeste while everyone except Atlas groaned, only the two grinning. "You're single aren't you? Why don't you and Atlas, the most eligible bachelor in Hogwarts currently-"

"It's 'ever',  actually..." Atlas cut Cel off before turning around and whistling, trying to act like nothing happened. 

"Shut up, your losing your chance... The most eligible bachelor in Hogwarts ever, go on a date, huh? Good idea 'innit?" Ever since first year, so now three years, people have always wanted the duo. One half of Hogwarts wanted Atlas, while the other Celeste. In other words, they either wanted to be with them, or want to be them. Since Atlas was so hell-bent on getting Hermione, he didn't like to fool around with girls or boys. Now, Celeste, was an entirely different story. You would always find her snogging in a broom closet and dating a different person every week. She might only been a third year, but damn did she look good.

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