Gossips and Rooms

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The next morning, Celeste was pissed. She and Atlas were sitting at the Slytherin table that day with their two other good friends, Theo and Blaise. They aren't the best of mates, but they have each other's backs when they needed it most. Or, y'know, just hang out. But that wasn't the thing that was making steam blow out the Gryffindor's ears. 

"Sod off, please!" she grumbled, wanting the bench underneath her to swallow her whole. "I'm so sorry, Sirius, didn't mean to get on your nerves." said Theo mockingly. The boys are HUGE gossipers. Since Hermione and Ron aren't into that stuff, she isn't that close to Lavender or Parvati, (a/n: sorry paru still love you) and it was about Harry so she couldn't talk to any of them. Now that she thought about it, she didn't have many girl friends. "I'm telling you, Theo, I'll send someone after you if you don't shut up." Celeste threatened. "I bet Harry would do it, he'd do anything for you." Blaise said, winking at Cel and laughing. "Says you, I saw you eye-shagging Pug-Face Parkinson last night. Looks a little fitter than last year, if I do say so myself." said Celeste smirking, satisfied with her retaliation. Now it was Blaise's turn to be embarrassed. "Oh, thank Merlin! Someone else besides me has noticed!" exclaimed Theo. 

"I have not been 'eye-shagging' her..." Blaise said rolling his eyes and making finger quotes around 'eye-shagging'.

"Right, sorry, you've just been staring at her like you want to shag her till she can't walk." said Atlas in a casual voice.

Blaise choked on the eggs he was eating. Theo and Celeste howled with laughter. "Arseholes." muttered Blaise. "Twat." responded Celeste.




"Language, Mr. Zabini. Five points from Slytherin." said McGonagall as she passed by. "Scott, Malfoy, your schedules." Atlas gave her a small grin. "Thanks McG, but you know I'm not gonna be paying attention in these classes anyway." She gave him a look from over her glasses before she walked to the actual Gryffindor table to hand out the rest of the schedules. Theo sighed. "It's disappointed you're with Potter, Sirius, I'd take a bite out of you myself if you weren't." he said, winking at her. The Gryffindor girl sneered at her friend. "I am not with Harry, and that's disgusting, you're like my brother."

"Oh well that's alright, just think of us as step siblings or something."

"Theodore Nott!"

"Mate, that's gross!"

"Theo, are you mentally okay-"

Blaise was interrupted by a roar of laughter further down the Slytherin table. Celeste saw her brother acting out as if he was fainting. That little git was making fun of Harry. The timing was impeccable because Harry, Ron, and Hermione had walked into the Great Hall. "He's gonna lose his shit..." said Atlas. "Hey, Potter!" said Pansy Parkinson. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! Woooooooooo!" The three glared at Blaise. "If you're eye-shagging her it's basically beastiailty because she's a bloody dog." said Celeste giving him a look. Theo's eyes widened and chuckled breathily while Blaise glowered at her. "I gotta check up on Harry, we'll see you later, yeah? Come on, Atty." 

She and Atlas plopped down on each side of Harry when he was in mid-conversation with one of the Weasley twins. "That little git- Hey Scott, Malfoy," she heard the ginger say before continuing, "He wasn't so cocky last night when the dementors were down at our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?" So that one's George. "Nearly wet himself." responded Fred, sending a scornful glare at Draco. "I wasn't too happy myself. They're horrible things, those dementors-" said George. "Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?" Fred said, continuing what George was saying. "You didn't pass out, though, did you?" Harry questioned in a low voice. "Forget it, Harry." said George, ignoring his question. "Dad had to go out to Azkaban one time, remember, Fred? And he said it was the worst place he'd ever been, he came back all weak and shaking... They suck the happiness out of a place, dementors. Most of the prisoners go mad in there." And just like that, the mood dropped in a minute. "Anyway," said Atlas, "we'll see how happy Malfoy looks after our first Quidditch game. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, first game of the season, remember?" Harry grinned at the thought. He felt a little better at the idea of smashing Malfoy in the first game of Quidditch. "I know," he said, "They're gonna be flattened." Atlas grinned back at him and swung his arm around his best friend's shoulder. "Imagine, Haz, with me as Chaser, you as Seeker, and the twins as Beater, the look on their face when they lose to us, first match of the season." If possible, Harry's grin widened. 

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