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REMUS WOKE UP VERY EARLY THAT MORNING. The boys wouldn't have so much of a problem with it if it were to be a weekday, the problem was it was a random weekend. So Remus got ready to the annoying groans and complaints of James and Sirius as well as hearing the shuffling of Peter switching from his blanket and pillow to cover his eyes from the bright lights. Of course, Rem knew he didn't need to get ready that early, hell he had hours, but what would you do when you were about to spend practically the whole day with the girl you really liked?

  Eventually, James got tired of trying to exhaust his tiredness and got up, a smirk came to his face as soon as he realized why his friend was up so early staring into his pants drawer looking for the perfect pair of jeans to wear. Except of course to James, every pair of jeans looked the same. Still, the irritability of James himself was not to excuse some small teasing. "So Moony, why that sweater in particular? Especially for today? You seemed awfully frantic in finding it yesterday, didn't you, mate?" he grinned as Remus took in a big breath. 

  He knew he signed up for this freely after what he'd so blatantly said a few weeks ago, but he couldn't help himself any longer, he needed someone to talk to about her. Even if that someone's intelligence sometimes matched up to the equivalence of a fish. It had been an annoying few weeks, every time his friends were to see him and Mila within five feet of each other they'd throw him a remark sooner or later. They justified their regular teasing for the fact they'd never seen Remus interested in anyone before, it was a rare sight and they were "just enjoying it".

  Still, the red and cream sweater clung to his torso, one that had been gifted to him just about a month prior. Remus rolled his eyes, "Which one looks better?" he asked, holding two pairs of jeans. 

  James squinted and pointed randomly to one, "That one," he said. Remus nodded heading into the small restroom to put them on as well as to adjust his hair. 

  Sirius eventually got tired of the lights and got up as well, he noticed James gone from his bed as he blinked his eyes open. He quickly sat up in his bed, shoving the comforters off his bed, patting down and brushing through his hair with his fingers. He looked at James with half-lidded eyes, James continued the smirk on his face, pointing with his eyes towards Remus. Sirius kept looking back at Remus and James trying to figure out what James was suggesting too. Finally, his eyes shot open as he realized Remus was messing with his hair, knowing this was not going to end well. 

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