back home and new born

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vlad walked in the living room with Otis I smiled my scarf around my neck  vlad smiled back I ran over and hugged him "hey amber " he said hugging me tightly "oh amber,... have you told vlad about your neck?" henry asked folding his arms in front of him nelly came around the corner having a questionable look I shot him a angry glare vlad ripped off the scarf   seeing two holes in my neck his eyes went wide "amber when this happen?" he said Otis  glared at me "Saturday " I said letting out a sigh "yesterday?!" Otis said I nodded "amber who did this " Vladimir asked I looked down pretending I didn't hear him "no one I was just playing around with a stick at the park " I said playing with my sleeves

Otis tried to slip into my mind but when he  did he  nearly fell over my vision blurred and I fell the over direction Otis caught me before I fell  I looked at him "you haven't been taking you pills that's why your so weak " Otis whispered I nodded

"what pills" 

"noth-" I put my finger up to my lips shushing him "my health pills for my heart that is failing me " I said standing up henry nelly and vlad looked shocked "your dieing " nelly said I nodded vlad was speechless henry turned to nelly "you guys up for pizza ill buy " henry said "im famished for pizza " Otis said walking out with henry "i have to head to the hospital " nelly said grabbing her purse and running out

"your .. dieing "" vlad said quietly  I nodded "so your going to die ?"

"vlad .." "no! save it im not going to lose you " vlad said tears streaming down his face "vlad theres no need to cry someone else will come along maybe better than me trust me youll be fine without me you probably forget me by the time I die " I said putting my hand on his cheek he put his hand on top of mine "i cant for get you your sweet heart is what I care bout !!" he said pulling my other wrist "i cant let you go " he said falling to his knees and crying in my shirt 

Otis arrived with henry four boxes of pizza and henrys own two boxes they smiled and vlad turned away wiping his tears he turned and smiled

"so pizza " henry said sitting at the table I watched them eat  wasn't Hungary my body was to weak to process food henry and vlad along with Otis laughed talked and threw food at each other after the food fights the laughing henry left going to go home and torcher his mother with his stupidest

vlad and Otis went outside to say their good byes I followed them Otis hugged me "remember if you do end up dying ill turn you so it wont hurt vlad as much as it will"  Otis said in my ear as he hugged me trust me I wont need you to turn me" I said as he let go of me he hugged vlad then got in his car and backed out the drive way


she's so far away but in the end so close (Vladimir tod fan fiction) ninth gradeWhere stories live. Discover now