Y/n's pov

I was back at my little hut and i sat down, i guess i can go and read again. So i started reading again.

After about 2 hours of reading i heard footsteps. I just ignored it until i heard the footsteps getting closer. "What is this?" I heard a man mumble to himself.

I slightly panicked and grabbed my self made knife, bow and arrow and layed them next to me. I saw make-shift door move to the side. I saw that a blue hand moved it. I panicked even more.

Then i saw a blue head poking in and look around my little hut. I was hiding in the corner, i was hiding under the window. I saw the blue Na'vi look around my hut while his body stood outside and his head inside.

Then his head turned to where i was and my eyes widend in fear. His eyes widend aswell, not in fear, but in confusion. He then crawled inside of the hut.

I was scared of him and he knew that i was scared. "Hey kid... don't be scared" the man said. He crouched and came in to the hut with his entire body.

The Na'vi man had his hands raised in a sign of peace. I was still in the corner of my hut. "It's okay kid... don't be scared" the blue Na'vi said. I saw him take a good look at me and his eyes widend slightly.

I guess he saw me breathing the air of Pandora without a exo-pack. His eyes softend again when he saw how scared i was. "It's okay, i am not going hurt you kid" the Na'vi man said as he scooted a little closer to me.

I was panicking slightly when he came closer to me. Jake saw my knife, bow and arrow and snatched them away from me and put them further away from me. I was still panicking.

Then the Na'vi man sat infront of me. I was still scared because why wouldn't i be when a strong Na'vi man was sitting infront of me. The man held out his hand, he was asking for a handshake.

"My name is Jake Sully, what is your name kid?" Jake Sully asked. I just stayed quiet because i was scared. "Kid, i know you are scared, but you have to talk" Jake said with a slightly demanding voice.

"Y/n..." i said quietly. "Y/n? What about a last name?" Jake asked. "Smith.." i said quietly. "Y/n Smith, okay, it is nice to meet you" Jake said as he gently grabbed my right hand and shook it.

"I have to go, but i will be back in a couple of days, okay?" Jake said as he crawled out of my hut before i could answer. I was shaken up. I sat in my hut for a long time because i was pretty scared of going outside.

I heard some more footsteps and i grab my knife, bow and arrow back to the corner of where i was sitting. "Y/n? It's Spider, are you in here?" I heard Spider ask. I let out a breath of relief when i heard his voice.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I heard Spider say. I saw the made-shift door move to the side as i saw the human boy walk in and closing the make-shift door behind him. He looked around and saw me sitting in the corner.

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" Spider asked worried. He came over to me as fast as he could in my little hut. He crouched down next to me. "Hey, hey, hey, your okay, what happend" Spider said as he tried to calm me down.

"There was this Na'vi, he was big, and tall, i believe his name was Jake, i am fine, just shaken up" i said as i look at Spider. "Jake? As in Jake Sully?" Spider asked. I nodded. "Okay, he won't hurt you, i promise" Spider said as he tried to comfort me.

"How do you know?" I asked. "I just know, he wouldn't hurt any kid" Spider said. "Wait, you know him? Did you tell him about me?" I said while slightly backing away from him.

"No, no, no! I didn't tell anyone about you, only me and Lo'ak know, i promise!" Spider said as he panicked. I stopped backing away from him and sighed in relief.

"Why do you not want anyone to know about you anyway?" Spider asked. "Because i have been discovered once and the people tried to kill me, Olangi clan, or the clan with the Direhorses" i said.

"They tried to kill you? Why would they do that?" Spider asked. I had a 'really?' Look on my face. "Fair point" Spider said. "But you can trust Jake, he won't hurt you, i won't let him" Spider said.

I looked at him. "Jake is like 10 foot tall, you are like what? 5'6?" I said. "I am not 5'6, i am 6'0 foot tall" Spider said while crossing his arms. "How tall are you then?" Spider asked.

I shrugged. "How am i supposed to know how tall i am" i asked sarcastically. "No need to be sarcastic about it, i was just asking" Spider said while rolling his eyes. I playfully hit his arm.

He looked at me and pretended to be hurt. "Ow! Why'd you do that!" Spider said with a fake hurt voice. I began laughing and so did Spider.

After a while our laughter died down. "Anyway, why are you here?" I asked. "I was worried about you, i heard someone say something about a hut in the woods and i came as fast as i could" Spider said as he went to sit next to me.

"Aw, you care about me" i said. "Yeah i do! I care about you a lot, even if i only have met you 3 days ago" Spider said as he fixed his exo-pack. I looked at him. "Why would you care about me?" I asked.

"Because you are all alone here, you have no one to care for you, and you need someone to care about you enough to protect you" Spider said. "Thats very nice Spider, thank you" i said as i leaned my head on my shoulder.

I felt Spider tense up a bit but then he calmed down. I heard a few noise outside. I took my head of Spiders shoulder and looked at him with a slightly panicked look. Spider motioned for me to stay quiet.

I nodded. I felt Spider hold my hand to comfort me. We waited and tried to listen if we could hear the noise again. "Kiri! Neteyam! Lo'ak! Look!" I heard a young voice say. "Shit" Spider mumbled.

I looked at him with a worried expression. Spider looked at me. "Hey, it's going to be okay" Spider said with a comforting voice. I just held Spiders hand and nodded. He slightly squeezed my hand and then let go of my hand as he stood up and held out his hand.

"You can come, nothing will happen to you, i promise" Spider said in a calm voice. I nodded and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and let go of my hand and gave me a small nod. Then he opened the make-shift door as he walked out with me walking behind him.

"Spider? Who is this girl?" A girl asked while pushing a smaller girl behind her. Spider turned to looked at me. "Can i tell them your name?" Spider said while looking in my eyes. I sighed and nodded.

He turned back to look at the Na'vi kids again. "This is y/n" Spider said. I saw that the slightly older Na'vi girl was still pushing the young Na'vi girl behind her. I saw the young Na'vi smile at me from behind the slightly older Na'vi girl.

Spider looked at them and waited for a answer. "So thats your name" Lo'ak said, i slightly nodded. I saw that a older Na'vi was walking towards me and Spider.

Spider backed away towards me slightly and put his arm infront of me and moved me behind him in a protective way. "Neteyam, don't hurt her, brother" Spider said as he was still standing infront of me in a protective way.

"I won't, just checking her out" The Na'vi who i think is named Neteyam. Neteyam gave a nod and backed away again. I saw the smaller girl looking at me while smiling, i smiled back.

"I am Kiri and this is Tuk" The Na'vi girl named Kiri said. I nodded and shyly waved while i was still standing behind Spider. It was akward on how we were standing amd i couldn't take the akwardness anymore.

So i did what everyone would do. I went back in my little hut, i closed my make-shift door as i walked in. "Why didn't you tell us about her? I like her already!" I hear Tuk say.

"Does dad know about her?" I heard Kiri ask. "Yeah, she said he came by earlier today, it scared the living hell out of her" Spider said. "So dad knows about her aswell, she will have to come with us at one point, you know that right?" Kiri said.

I hope you like it so far, i hope you do XD.

(1582 words)

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