i love you!

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"Im tired tai! I think ill call it a night even thou its only a 11 something!" i said as i sat on the island in the kitchen talking to my roommate tai. "Well maybe you should call him? He probably misses you and you haven't talked since 5 'o' clock! I think yall should talk! Everyone makes mistakes  lala!" tai said. "Well i dont give two fuck about him as of now! He want to fucking play around im to damn serious for my heart to be hurt! I ... I just can't anymore tai." i say giving up on the subject. "What is it that is sooo bad that happened?" she asked "he lied to me, he said that he had been getting ready for tour yet he was hanging with this ... Girl. Im not gonna be in denial i still care but he ... Has to mature before i open up. Ill never open up to him ... But a crack could seal what he can have.... What am i saying? Nah fuck that im DONE!" i say as i grab my phone and head out to the back yard.

Suddenly my phone rings. I look at the screen and it says "cammy" why tf didn't i get rid of his contact?
Phone call...
Lala:  what the fuc-
Cam: yeah i know i was wrong but it really wasnt what you thought!
Lala: shut the fuck up it was "what i thought"! You lied and im done!
Cam: you never gave me a chance to explain!

Things are really loud thank god we have no neighbors near!
Lala: okay then let me hear what you have to say its all some bullshit i try and believe me i tried my hardest to trust that it wasn't what i thought and mind you "seen" it was! But im going to let you explain so go ( my voice is calm now)
Cam: okay well what you seen it  was nothing more than business! I was meeting with her to discuss this song i was gonna record and her mother is like "head of the studio" so she called me over to discuss it and then-
Lala: nahhh dont even lie! I came in and you were sitting in that cheap ass chair and she was sitting on your lap! Dude im about to really hang up! Your a true piece of shit!
Cam: no im not! Im not finished if you let me tal-
Lala: pro-fucking-ceed then cam
Cam: and then she got a little bit comfortable and turned on music and i told her i was in a relationship! She pushed me on the chair and straddled me.... Then you came in ... Never did i intend on hurting you. I... I love you lala!
A moment of silence fell on the phone
Cam: hello?
Lala: yeah....
I cant believe he said that... Im... Speachless!
Cam: uh yeah im sorry for what happened... And i just called to tell you that i care
Lala:cam... I love you tooo awe baby
Tai: i told you so ! (She creamed so he could hear)
Cam: im glad! Can i come over?
Lala: yeah baby come over... Ooh can you buy ice cream! Ill pay you ba-
Cam:cookie dough?
Lala:haha yeah ... I love you
Cam: i love you

I could tell he was smiling so i hung up before i embarrassed myself. "Ayye im a match maker! Told you the phone call would work...maybe not so well at first but yall are otp as fuuuuuck haha" tai said gloating. "Okay your right i cant wait to lay with him and be warm again! He's mines and he ... Loves me i guess haha" i said "girl he is in love and not drunk in love either the real love haha im going to make sure im right by your sides dude " she said and then there was cam coming in without knocking. " yeah tje door was open" he chuckled and put the icecream down on the counter. I jumped on him and gave him a giant hug. "Im sorry baby" i said "im sorry its my fault" he said.

We spent the whole night talking and laughing. I dont know why but i... Think i love him.

A/n: heyyyy lol yeah so just a quick update. Sorry if it  sucks i think imma work on a nate maloley imagine starting.... Now and yeah so byyeeeee i love you if you fill the star.

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