justin B

668 20 5

Phone calls!.....
By the way its 2:43 am and jay called you to say good night.

Justin: aye hello?

Y/n: heyyyy best friend! What up why you calling me at ..... 2:45 in the morning?

Justin: cause i can! So what up?

Y/n: well at first i was sleep and then i was sleep and.... Now im up hahaha but hows your tour?

Justin: good. I guess... To be honest i dont even know! Scooter has been out with these girls younger than me!my mom has been going on a lot of dates and my dad is just .... Here! I need you on tour with me. I can ship you out here?!

Y/n: boy you know i would slap scoot straight if i was there but im not so conquer it babe. Have you met...anyone as in .... Attracting to you?

Justin: actually yeah! She is cute and cool and very collected! Haha i think im gonna marry her and ship her out here to help me get on task ( justin says making me jealous )

Y/n: oh! Oh how... How sweet and great and ....happy vanilla couple ...i guess. Uhm yeah!

Justin: yeah she is awesome but not white!

Y/n ( you cough ) what?! She ...Italian or something?

Justin: nah she is black! Haha but i dont date her she plays hard to get to much haha imma keep trying!

Y/n: anyways you know what happened today when i ran into your lil friend madison?

Justin: fuck! You seen her? Did you hit her? She's our money maker! Her fake ass face is the topic and you can't just beat it!

Y/n: shut the hell up vanilla ice i didn't hit her face!

Justin: WHAT!

Y/n: oh haha i didnt hit her at all haha i just seen her and cursed the bitch out cause she was just starring at me and then gonna whisper something in this bitch ear i dont fucking know who the fuck she thought i was but i was like "oh hell nah" and then she sai- jay! You sleep?

Justin: nope.

Y/n: whatever you was sleep and i know it! Haha awe you adorable! But listennnnn!

Justin: bruh i am listening to you! What the fuck did she say?

Y/n: oh kay then.... She said and im talking about the nobody girl, she gone come up to me and say " oh your that girl justin sleeping with right?!-

Justin: WHAT?!

Y/n: yeah i know! So i said "bitch who are you and the fuck you think im sleeping with my bestfriend?!" and she say "oh my bad! Madison told me." so i got up and walked over to your little skank and slapped her and punched her fake ass nose and the shit moved out of form and bounced right back but of course she have to cry. Like bitch nooooo you say rumors about me when you around sending nudes! Who the fuck does this? Your ass probably sleep?


Y/n: jay! Wake the fuck up! You called me!

Justin: bruh shut up! I was doing something.

Y/n: moans: uh oooh jay harder! M-m-make me squirt bab-


Y/n: haha i know i just wanna give you a glimpse

Justin: of ....?

Y/n: how it is when im banging your mom! Haha

Justin: i hate you haha your so fucking weird its incredible haha

Y/n: ......

Justin: y/n! Are you sleep?

Y/n: ...... No haha now you see how it feels haha but jay i have to tell you something okay?

Justin: i have something to tell you too. So on the count of three?

Y/n: uhm no you go first!

Justin: no! You go! .

Y/n: really jay? Okay well i l-

Justin: i love you

Y/n: love you ! Oh my gosh we said it at the same time! Welp goodnight


Y/n: mmmhmm. You aint sleep! Night niqqa

Justin: ........

Y/n: okay bye!


I hang up and go back to bed! We love each other! It is official! Ahhhhh im sooo happy! I soon end up sleep.

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