Chapter 3

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A few weeks later...

Sameer's POV

Sitting by the window of the large hall where a psychotherapy session for a group of psychoneurotics was in progress, I was recalling all the fateful events that unfolded ever since my return from that apocalyptic holiday at the Galapagos.

Yeah, I call it apocalyptic because I don't recall any word that would justify my landing into this place called the Psychiatric Hospital where I don't even belong!

Surrounded by psychopaths all over, my mind couldn't stop wondering what sin I had committed in the past that I was made to repent today.

One month away from home...and that was enough to extirpate all my happiness. At this moment, I could only recall my mum's words when I had told her about my holiday plan, 'Beta, why don't you consider going to some nearby destination. I'm afraid how you will be able to manage everything on your own in an entirely different Island'. I had convinced her that I was a grown-up lad and I knew exactly how to face situations. Moreover, I wanted to explore the place for its rich biodiversity and bring home some stunning photographs of the habitat zones that would add to my profile of a budding Nature Photographer. Yeah, I had a keen interest in photography since my high school days but I had landed in a business administration course for the obvious reason. Later when I realized that it wasn't my predilection, I decided to drop out before my graduation. After quitting my college, I took up a photography course from one of the best institutes in my city and that's exactly where I met my friend, Alex, two-and-a-half-years ago.

Alex! I let out a heavy sigh.

Three weeks ago, after my return, my family was bustling in joy. But I never knew that all the joy and happiness would turn into sorrow and grief.

That evening when I left home to visit Alex, my mother and my aunt were throwing confused glances at me. I couldn't fathom their behaviour. I thought it must be a joke or something so I left the home swearing to bring along Alex with me. After parking my car I headed over to the elevator that would take me to the flat rented by Alex. I pressed the doorbell waiting impatiently for my friend to show up. There was no response. I pressed the doorbell again, several times and called out his name while banging onto the door; still there was no response. I began sweating profusely not realizing what to do. Then to my relief, I heard the sound of the door unlocking. I was prepping myself to see my friend but all my excitement vanished when I realized that the door that opened wasn't his but that of the flat adjacent to his. I saw an elderly man coming out of that door.

With a frowned face he began, 'Why are you causing disturbance here?'

I replied, 'I have come here to meet my friend, Alex. I've been waiting for him for the past thirty minutes but he is not showing up. Have you seen him going out?'

He looked at me with a confused face and asked me to confirm my friend's flat number.

I said, 'It's 405.'

He looked at me puzzled, again.

I said, 'What's the matter?'

The old man informed, 'This flat has been abandoned for more than two years now. We have never seen anyone living here from that time. I think you should consider verifying the number.'

This information from the old man left me flabbergasted. I let out angrily, 'What! I have been coming here for a long time now. The same flat no. 405! There's no doubt about it! I don't understand why people are behaving this way!'

'I may seem an old man to you but my eyes and memory are still in good condition. If you don't believe in me then you can ask my neighbours,' he responded to me in a matching tone whilst knocking on the door of one of his neighbours.

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