Hostage ~ChrisxRickyxWill~ (F)

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If you know me, you know I love Will Ramos, so he'll appear in a few, as will Spencer.


"Rick, please, just drop the knife." Chris begged, holding both hands out towards the frustrated boy, trying to pose himself as no threat. "We can talk about this, I'm begging you, Will doesn't deserve this."

Ricky shook his head, squeezing his hand around the boy's throat tighter, his other gripped the knife more, tapping the blade against his captives stomach. "No! It's not fair, Chris! I never get anything I want, but you do. You could have kept them, gave me a baby!" Ricky screamed, his weapon still in dangerous proximity to the innocent Will.

Chris stepped closer, noticing his boyfriend failing to hold back his tears as his cheeks burnt crimson. "I won't hurt you, Rick, but I need you to work with me. Do you think we can do that?"

Ricky went silent, his eyes glassy from collective tears, hands shaking as one around Will's throat released slightly, allowing the boy to breathe.

"That's it, Rick, you're doing so good. Think you could give me the knife?" Chris spoke in the softest voice he could, gently laying a hand between the blade and Will's stomach, trying his best to not scare them both even more.

Chris' action caused Ricky to growl, kicking the goth back as best he could. "Touch him, I'll cut your bastard out right here!"

Chris hesitated, trying to think of the best way to get his boyfriend out of harms way. He didn't want to piss Ricky off more, but knew this couldn't continue. "I can give you a baby, I promise. A healthy one this time. We can make one now if you want to." Chris gently spoke, trying to avoid Will's fear.

Ricky looked up at the older boy, moving his hand from Will's neck, wrapping it around his stomach, keeping the shaking boy in place. "You're lying! You don't want me..."

"I do, baby. More than anything. I'm so sorry I took them away from you. I know nothing I can say will bring them back and I regret it every day." Chris replied, swallowing all his pride. He knew this was all a lie, but he needed Will out of harms way. Taking his shirt off, Chris laid it over the sofa. "Come on, baby. Whatever you want, I'll give you. Remember when you said you wanted a little girl? We can make her, I promise, baby."

Ricky cried as he dropped the knife to the floor, his hands massaging Will's stomach. "Really? Y-you promise?"

"Yes, Rick. A healthy little girl. I know we can do this. I'll make you a daddy, just need you to come to me, baby." Chris spoke, holding his arms out for an embrace, hating himself for his words.

Ricky smiled, pushing Will to the floor as he dropped the knife, jumping into Chris' arms, kissing all over his neck. "I love you so much, baby girl."

Chris sighed as he dropped Ricky before grabbing a zip-tie, securing the boy's hands behind his back. "It's for your own good, Rick."

Ricky screamed, trying to kick out but Chris grabbed his legs as Ryan ran in, throwing the tiny boy over his shoulder. Chris ran over to his lover, gently cradling a hysterical Will in his arms. "It's okay, baby. I'm sorry, I didn't mean all those things I said, needed to get you away from him."

Will just cried, clinging to his boyfriend, feeling a little kick. "C-Chris...they kicked." Will cried, laying the goths hand over his stomach as their little one moved more.

Chris couldn't help but cry, kissing Will's forehead. "Hey, little one. Daddy's never going to let anyone hurt you or mama."

This caught Ricky attention as he kicked Ryan as hard as he could, trying to break free. "Let me feel them! I want my baby!" Ricky screamed, though Ryan's hold kept him still.

Chris ignored as he stroked Will's hair, finally able to calm his boy down. "He'll never hurt you, baby." Chris whispered as he laid Will on the sofa, pulling a blanket over the boy. "Get some rest, gorgeous. It'll all be sorted tomorrow. Love you so much."

"I love you too," Will smiled, kissing Chris' hand. "We both do."

Chris giggled, stroking the boy's hair before pulling away and turning to Ryan. "He needs help, medications, or institution if this continues. I'm not having him near Will or my baby, ever."

Ryan didn't have to hear anything else as he carried Ricky out, ignoring his cries for a baby.

Chris sighed, moving over to Will, holding his hand. "It's all over now, baby. You're safe."

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