Attached to You

533 13 2

Flames burnt Eva over and over, engulfing her arm and snaking the bottom of her robes. There Ranrok stood; his teeth looked more like points you'd see on a dragon. Dark magic had consumed him, taking over his mind and body. Her screams could have shattered glass from the pitch it exceeded. She couldn't find Professor Fig, the rocks had smashed sending him tumbling down, hopefully he was safe. But for now she had to focus on getting past Ranrok.
It wasn't the worst nightmare she had but it certainly didn't stop her body from jolting at the memories it had marked her with. She knew best than to wander after last time; but she certainly couldn't swirl in the panic that consumed her. He knew, he always knew when she was awake
"It's over now Eva" reaching to run his thumb on her bottom lip
"I know. Please kiss me..." he was taken aback at her asking; he was used to her beg or just grab her for it. But he was happy to fulfil her request. But it seemed she was certain on something else when she ran her hand down to his pyjamas trousers, growing to immediate attention. Ominis pulled back
"Eva... I recommend you be certain on what you're doing here" an undertone of warning and caution. She had thought it through, more than he cared to know
"I am certain on this. I want to with you" he couldn't deny he hadn't thought of it himself, but one thing he had always ensured was that she was certain it's what she wanted, he had vowed to ensure he was gentle with her. That her needs met.
"Just tell me to stop if you want me to okay?" She had already unbuttoned her shirt and was removing her trousers and pants, he found his hands shaking which surprised him. He had spoken many times of just taking her, but he had always thought in the back of his mind that it would never happen, yet he would have been fine with that, she already submitted to so many of his indulgences.
His first instinct was to put his hand on her throat; instead switching to caressing her skin and interlock his hand with hers, inching his face closer to hers, Eva's breathing heavier than usual. Her other hand ran up his chest, sending shivers down Ominis' spine. Eva could feel shocks of electric shooting through her as his lips collided with hers, his trousers still firmly remained on whilst she was laid bare.
Owls hooted in the distance, candles snuffing as the smoke twirled towards the ceiling. She could taste the brandy he must have drank as she'd studied earlier, sweet yet a burning aftertaste.
His hands ice cold against her warm inner thighs, gasping aloud at the temperature difference. Following her skin like a personal roadmap, just his touch alone had her yearning for him. Ominis knew this; teasing by pressing his fingers against her, waiting for her to moan in his mouth. Every twinge, shake or tense muscle he knew how to qualm, the territory he was crossing was new.
His erection throbbed, Eva was impatient, her hand revealing to wrap around to rhythmically stroke. Every ounce of control he once had left him, his breathing once calm- now a trembling mess.
He couldn't hold back any more, she drove him crazy, she was simply intoxicating and he wanted more. Her hand still around his hardness, guiding to what she wanted, for him to be inside her. He was more than happy to comply to her desires. Gently moving; her leg wrapped around his waist drawing him in, Eva's mind just pinpointing to everything about him, how he felt inside her to how his breathing was erratic.
Scratches ripped at his back; hand around her throat pressing ever so slightly, primal rage engulfed his actions and consumed his mind. Gentleness had been thrown out the window the moment blood drew at his back, his thrusts having his name screamed from her lips. Each tightening she had around him seemed to make him last that bit longer.
"Fuck Eva.." through gritted teeth at his breaking point, his teeth sinking into her neck at release.

Water pooled around her body, washing her into relaxation. Ominis had fallen into a blissful slumber of content, Eva had silently moved his arm away to soothe her aching body. Her mind in a flurry of thoughts; her worries for what may change once Ominis awakens. Would it qualm his hot and cold behaviour?

Lessons as Professor Hecat's assistant had began; thankfully her first day of helping was with 2nd years, their eyes still full of hope for what was to come, their uniforms near and chattering amongst one another, Professor Hecat bringing them to silence at the flick of her hand
"Today we will be practicing the spell protego. It can be used for various situations where you need to protect yourself whether it be in duelling or even as simple as stopping a book from flying your way. Miss Eva will demonstrate here it's efficiency" gripping her wand she knew this spell all too well, from the flick of the wrist to the words, by now she could probably say it in her mind and have it work. But now wasn't the time to try it out, opting to demonstrate appropriately.
"Thank you Miss Eva. Now class I want you to pair up and practise this spell with one another. Anyone left over will be paired with Eva" bowing her head with a friendly smile. She knew some was staring at her face, the scar that stretched. The stories she knew she would make up until she was a teacher and then would honestly inform them of how she hit the ground by being reckless. However the ones on her arm and cheek would make better tales.
A tiny 2nd year Hufflepuff approached; her mousey brown hair cut to the shoulders, freckles dotting her face. She seemed meek, but the quietest could be the bravest
"Excuse me...I think I'm paired with you Miss Eva, I haven't got anyone to be a partner" patting the shoulder Eva beamed
"Of course, don't worry you're in safe hands" the girl- who she later found out was named Blaire, was confident with her wand work and certainly a different person when she got into it, Eva was excited to see her flourish and grow as a student.
The class had flown by; approaching Professor Hecat at the end of it to hand her research over. Briefly scanning Hecat beamed at Eva
"I must say I'm impressed. I also wasn't surprised at your eagerness to teach this class. You exceeded from the moment you first walked through my doors. It encouraged myself to agree that some spells needed to be learnt younger, protego for example being the first change"
"Thank you Professor. I thought considering what happened in 5th year that I'd enjoy teaching students how to work with spells in that way along with learning defence appropriately" Hecat's eyebrow rose
"Well that and considering what happened recently with Mr Sallow I feel that would have spurred you also. It was such a shame. He had such promise in here, but all it takes is that one stumble and then you find yourself falling deep. I hope your arm healed well, I heard it was quite an issue. Along with Mr Gaunt taking the Crucio from him also. I'm more surprised Mr Gaunt didn't try to apply for this" absently rubbing her arm at it being mentioned
"I think Ominis prefers to stay away from anything like this Professor, but I can't blame him. He didn't exactly have the nicest upbringing with his family and the dark arts. It healed okay it's just a long scar now thanks to Madam Claire being able to act quickly, that and Poppy getting me up there at any means necessary" it still hurt her a little knowing she had no control over her own mind that day.
"I'm glad to hear it isn't an issue for you. So I would like if you could read some more regarding defensive spells. And consider some practise with myself between lessons to learn to project spells without verbally saying them, it will be beneficial to yourself in the future as it causes the element of surprise. It can be difficult to learn but I think it's something we should nurture"

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