Episode 7

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Hey there...It's been a bit hasn't it. Well I've been feeling depressed today so I wrote a bit of angst. It's not between the reader and Saiki though, it's just the reader reliving her past. In the Christmas section of this chapter, there's two paragraphs that have a form of torture that Y/n went through as a child, it's referred to as 'the lightning room'. It gets a bit uncomfortable, so if you guys don't want to read about it, skip a few paragraphs when you see Lightning Room.


'word' - anyone thoughts other than Saiki and y/n

Word - Saiki's thoughts

"Word"- Saiki talking with telepathy

Word- your thoughts

"Word"- anyone other than Saiki talking.

2nd P.O.V

You and Saiki were walking home together, you two had really bonded over the past few days after the incident while your class was in Okinawa. The two of you had been walking home from school together everyday since the trip, you thought that it was nice. A couple of girls snapped you out of your thoughts, "He is so cute!" The other girl also squealed, "Come here little cutie!" There was a little white and grey cat laying on the sidewalk, you scrunched your face up because you did NOT like cats. When you think about it, a fox is similar to a dog while not being a dog. Cats are so arrogant and think the world of themselves, how do you know this? Simple, you can speak to certain animals and understand what they say while they understand what you say. Now, you can't talk to birds or anything from the ocean, but you could talk to animals like dogs, cats, and of course, other foxes.

Saiki shared your distaste for cats, after all he could hear their thoughts, and they weren't pleasant. You were right of course, cats think of themselves as higher than everyone and everything around them. But Saiki had to ask you, "Do you prefer dogs or cats?" You gave him a look that made him laugh, "I'm a literal fox and you asked me that." The two of you were laughing and smiling, "What about you, which one do you prefer?" He thought for a moment, "Honestly, neither. But if I had to choose, I'd choose a fox."  You felt your face warm up, which was an entirely new thing, and looked at him. He looked back and smiled, he knew what he did. "That's not one of the options." He just smiled again, "I make my own options." You looked away while he laughed a bit at the heat in your face, I'm finally having an effect on you. His voice is way better when he actually speaks.

Saiki himself could hear the thoughts of animals that aren't small insects, he knew how a lot of them were stuck up. He really didn't care, but he prefers you over dogs AND cats. The two of you continued on past the two girls that were playing(Talking to a cat like babies) and kept walking until you saw a strange sight in front of you. A cat was stuck between two buildings.

You both noticed him and stopped, then continued walking. The cat was crying out, in both thought and out loud, "He-hey stop! Get back here humans, I need your help!" You two both stopped and looked at each other, Saiki could hear his thoughts, you could hear him talk. You both sighed and walked back to the little cat with a red bandanna wrapped around his neck. His thoughts and words were extremely loud, "Man those are some cold humans! Sees a cutie like me in a bind and totally flakes! Wait, are they coming back? Yes! Now get me out and I might let you pet me!" You swiftly turned to walk away, Saiki right behind you before the cat called out again, "DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!" You groaned, walking back to the very annoying cat, "Stupid dumb Humans! Maybe their dog lovers." You both had reached him by now, talking to him in different ways, "I wasn't before but now you're making me lean towards them." You couldn't hear Saiki talk and you were talking to the cat through little hums and slight hisses.

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