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"I don't know if i want to do this" May says, fanning her hands in the air, a result if her hands sweating from the situation she's in.

"Babe, you don't have to if you don't want to." Blake says, a hand placed on her girlfriend's shoulder, one that is attempting to sit May down but she doesn't stop pacing in her room.

"I mean everyone is out there, Everyone!" May sits down on her bed and releases a long and needed sigh, she places her head on Blake's shoulder once she sat down. May sits and ponders her thoughts on this situation, really and truly thinking if she can even go through with coming out to her family.

Blake has insisted that they would be supportive, especially Hen as she is like a second mother to May, but especially Buck, as he is her older brother who would do anything to make her happy.

"I love you" Blake says, May turns her head to look her partner in the eyes, smiling when they meet.

"I love you too" May says proudly. Wishing to herself that they did have to hide away in her bedroom and instead openly hold hands at the dinner table, or even cuddle under a blanket with the fire going whilst watching a film.

May stands up and grabs Blake by the hand, kissing her once before leaving the bedroom and dragging the two of them outside to officially greet everyone. It isn't the first time Blake has met everyone in May's family, matter of fact they had slowly started to become her home too.

May drags them down the few steps to say hello to Karen and Hen, Blake and Hen easily engage in conversation, talking about all things as they see less of each-other compared to everyone else, so the two like to sit and gossip once they get together again.

Blake looks over at May and notices how she clings onto Karen a little longer, a clear conversation happening between the two whilst still immersed in the hug, Hen chuckled, claiming it was 'classic Karen', saying she would never be the first to let go of a hug.

Blake begins to get fidgety, her anxiety slowly crawling up her skin, worried and anxious for her girlfriend and different possible outcomes of the soon-to-happen event. She needs to be strong for May, she needs to be her foundation for her.

"You okay kid?" Hen says as she sips her wine, looking down at the teenagers slightly shaking hands, Blake attempts to hide it by grabbing one hand with the other.

May put her hand on Blake's shoulder, leaning over to whisper in her ear;

"Im going over to Buck, im going to tell him. Please come with me."

Blake apologises to Hen for the interruption before May hurriedly pulls Blake along. Blake sees Buck ahead and waves to him , he says hi in return with a massive smile on his face.

May doesn't even say hello, or make any form of greeting before grabbing the back of Bucks neck to pull him down to her level to whisper in his ear.

"I have to tell you something."

May walks iff with Blake still clutched in her hand like a purse, Buck follows quickly behind and is the first one in the bedroom.

Buck sits on the bed as he could tell its a serious meeting between the three. May wants to talk but her nerves and worries suddenly become very real. Blake sees this and offers to start. May nods.

"May would like to tell you something, but its hard for her to say so please be considerate with her." Buck nods in understanding but looks just as confused as he was two minutes ago, had not the situation been serious Blake would've maybe giggled at his expression.

"It took me a while to be comfortable with this and be comfortable with how i feel about it, and i honestly just hope you are okay with it because you are my brother and i cant imagine life without you." May tears up and pauses to catch her breath , she wipes her eyes to avoid having to redo her makeup. Blake rubs her back supportingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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