Bed Bound

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Jasper must have been right to take Creed to the hospital, because the whole experience was quite blurry for him. It was a combination of dehydration, starvation, and mild physical trauma which all amalgamated into his mind shutting down for a short while. The rest was well needed, and when he awoke, things were much different.

The room was completely white, which was the telling that he was in the hospital. There was a vague smell of disinfectant and an ache in the back of his hand where they'd stuck an iv in to transfer fluids. Perhaps, he was cold as well. His feet were bare, socks nowhere to be found... if anyone came to visit him, he would have to ask for something to rectify it.

At first, Creed wondered where everyone was. Jasper had brought him, and he hadn't seen a doctor or nurse yet. Even Charlie was no where in sight, though he might not even know. That was going to be a fun conversation if ever there was one.

There was a clock on the wall, which ticked in the silence. However, the hands didn't move. It was impossible for Creed to know how long he'd been out for.

Eventually, the door opened, and the Monk boy grew excited. Alice Cullen made herself known, grinning, and sat beside him in the purple armchair. George followed close behind her, holding her hand, rubbing a thumb over her skin as comfort. They still didn't know each other well enough to be in a situation such as this... even so, the world worked in mysterious ways.

"Hi, Alice." Creed croaked, his throat much dryer than he remembered it being before.

Her head snapped towards him, like she hadn't noticed his eyes were open yet. "Creed!" She was much too loud, and he cringed ever-so-slightly. "Sorry..."

"It okay." He dismissed.

Even so, her happiness never disappeared. "You're awake."

"Yeah... really? Didn't realise."

His joke didn't seem to be appreciated by either George nor Alice, so the former stepped out of the room with a grunt. "I'll get Carlisle."

Creed was rather glad that it was George who left, because he wouldn't know what to say to him. He'd only talked to Alice and Jasper from their family so far, and that was enough for him. Instead, he got to smile at a pixie girl, who was sat by him, looking out for him.

"Jasper had to go." She informed him, filling in one of his curiosities. "He has an aversion for hospitals."

"I do too." Creed grumbled, balling the thin bed sheet into his hands.

"But he's really worried about you. He wouldn't have driven you in Rosalie's car otherwise." He didn't ask; he had so many questions, but he didn't ask. "I think he was scared you'd die."

     Had he really looked that bad? Creed wasn't completely certain on the events of earlier in the day, but he knew that he had a banging headache and he wanted to go back to sleep more than anything. Alice wouldn't let him. Not until he'd seen Doctor Cullen.

     George returned soon enough, a Doctor in tow, though he looked far to young. He didn't look old enough to be a Dad, never mind old enough to be one of the greatest physicians Forks had ever seen. There was no doubt in Creed's mind that Doctor Cullen was gorgeous. He had the beauty of a classic movie star with the way his blonde hair was slicked back for work. Though, having seen the rest of his family, it was more of a surprise than it should have been.

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