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I woke up to see Kawaki cooking breakfast. He looks so hot with his boxers with no shirt on. I can see his dick print and the hickeys I gave him last night.

"Good Morning bae", I yawned confusedly.

"Get off the couch and put your clothes on I'm taking you somewhere", Kawaki stated in a demanding way.

I got up and he put the food on the table. I sat down at the table while he was making me a cup of strawberry mango juice. "Here", he said with no expression on his fine ass face.I drank it all in a few seconds because I was so thirsty. "So...... We're just not gonna talk about what happened last night?", I asked because he acts like nothing happened. "And why the hell do you just carry a vibrator with you?". "To be prepared for women like you;)", he said with a smirk on his face. "If your so prepared for women like me, come take a shower with me", I said lustfully. The truth is...... the sex I had with him yesterday was my first time. Ever since that day I felt a connection with him I can't explain. I want to feel it more----- that connection.

HEY YALL I haven't been updating this story in a while but honestly this little stufff is just a test to see who really wants this story to continue anyways lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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