chpt 15.

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"I feel like everyone should share their names and then we can get started with the read through." The director says smiling motioning to me. "Oh I guess I'm starting. Um hi my name is y/n l/n and I'm so excited to work on this project." I say smiling. The rest of the group shares and then it gets to him. "And I'm Mason Thames." He says smiling. "Ok let's get this show on the road!" Our director shouts and we start the full first read through.

"Are you just not going to say anything?" Mason says to me as I start to pack up my things. Girl who does this boy think he is? I turn around and look at him confused. "Ok first of all. I am not putting up with attitude today. Second we haven't talked in over four years it's a little hard to go up and talk like I saw you yesterday." I say rolling my eyes. "Why didn't you call or text or something?" He asks. "I don't know Mason. I got busy. Life got a hold of me. And last time I checked you made no effort to contact me either. So don't with this bs." I say waving him off. I grab my bag and head out. "Don't leave we aren't finished talking." He yells. "Come to me when you stop acting like a hormonal teenager." I say storming off set.

I head to a small cafe. Not the one I met Mason in. Chances are he's there right now. What happened? Was it that he's four years older? Or the fact we haven't talked in four years... probably that one. But it's not all my fault. I have a life. Some things are meant to end.

The little bell above the door rings. Mason. "Well shit." I mumble. He comes up to my table. "Are you following me stalker?" I ask. "I'm ready to talk." He says. I raise an eyebrow. "Reasonably." He adds. I crack a small smile and he looks relieved.

(a/n - I'm back 🤑🤑🤑 um anyways. I started watching the last of us and now im in love with bella ramsey. I'm still in love with masypoo obv. But if you want to check that story out it's on my profile. I'll try and update both all week bc it's spring break let's freaking go!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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