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It just started with a friend request.

Note: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Hello people! I am Violet.

Yes, this is my pen name. I wrote this book when I was sixteen. Even though I stopped writing for a while, I would keep revisiting this book and think, "Ah! only if I could edit this properly, I can make this a better story."

This motivated me to edit this book. I want to share this story with you all because, in the first half, you will read about the love that was written by a sixteen years old. And in the second half, you will read about love, that's a little more mature. 

Nevertheless, this story is very close to me because this was my first ever book, which I wrote and finished. So, please read this book and let me know your views. 

Here's the list of characters. I might have missed a few, but these are the main ones. However, you can revisit this when you're finished with the story to read my insights on the characters. I tried to avoid spoilers in case you end up reading beforehand. :D

Please comment if you have any questions. And I'll be happy to answer.

P.s. if you're someone like me, and need to know if a book ends with a Happy Ending or not... DM me.

Thank you. :)


Anysha Kapoor - Female lead.
She's an introvert, who likes to stay away from everyone. She is insecure due to many things that happened to her. She suffers from social anxiety.

I tried to explore this character's journey of healing and learning to believe in herself, especially with everything she has gone through. Harry is her crush and an escape in beginning but later, she discovers her own feelings and views on love. She also learns to stop doubting Harry's feelings for her and heal her own insecurities.
Which is that love is to trust and stick together.

Harry Styles - Male lead.
He is popular, an extrovert and a little egotistical. He develops curiosity towards Anysha when she's forced to sit next to him but shows no sign of interest. He decides to have a little fun by teasing a girl who tries her best to run away from him.

His character is my favourite, he is straightforward and doesn't shy away from speaking about what he feels and thinks. He's transparent in his actions too.

When he makes up his mind, he doesn't back down. He is passionate and yet patient. His ability to read people is what makes him mature. Yes, his reason to go after Anysha is really petty and out of ego but all he wanted was a reaction out of her. Later, he is true to his feelings and communicates without twisting them. I didn't expect to fall in love while writing this character. Also, he became my inspiration to reflect on myself.

Sandy Waterson- Second female lead. Also, Harry's friend.
She's in love with Harry and when he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. She makes it her mission to hate Anysha. She's a little self-absorbed.

Her character inspired me to explore how emotions can make you do things that you don't understand the reason behind. She's young and self-absorbed, but I didn't want her to be a fully bitter character. That's why I changed my mind later to give her another love interest.

Sarah- Anysha's friend

Liam Payne- Harry's friend

Louis Tomlinson- Harry's friend

Niall Horan- Harry's friend

Zayn Malik- Harry's friend

I didn't get to dive deeper into this character but I loved writing the chapter with him in it. When I was 16, I pictured Zayn to be enclosed about his emotions. This is the reason I chose him for what I chose him for. xx

Reet Desai- Anysha's childhood best friend

I am lucky to have friends that come for my support. Reet is a reflection of that. The friends who are your family and would do anything for you. She's a supporting character but as important as Anysha. Without Reet, the story is incomplete.
I love her so much.

Lalit Kapoor- Anysha's father

He was my inspiration for twisted love. What Muskan explains about his character is how two people who should not be together can ruin each other's life. I didn't spend much time with him but he helped me reflect on how often we start responding to the perception of someone in our head. Anysha never communicated with him, ever but he was a villain in her head.

He wasn't a good father or husband. He felt like a loser many times, or a villain too but he gave in to his thoughts.
He is what Anysha could have been if she didn't fight her thoughts.
A bitter human being who gave in to his thoughts.

Nisha Kapoor- Anysha's mother

Her hatred for her husband is so strong that she's fully absorbed by it. She doesn't try to make things right. She should've walked away, and moved on. I have mixed feelings about her character.

Mira Sabarwal- Anysha's aunt (mother's sister/masi)

Her character was written to support Anysha. Later, she became a major part of the story. Reet was the only supporting character that I expected to keep till the end, but I decided to write to her more because I wanted Anysha to have a mother figure in life. Reet needed to find her happy ending as well. So, yes. I diverted the story in such a way. :)

Sidharth Sabarwal- Anysha's cousin (brother)

He's Reet's supporting character and love interest. Lol. That's it. xD

Muskan Sharma- Anysha's lawyer

She's perception. She's understanding. She's Anysha's saviour.
When I started writing this book, I wanted Harry to save her and protect her. But in our life, it is more than simply one. She's here to protect and guide Anysha.

Shubham- Anysha's colleague/friend

David Styles- Harry's father. I decided to call him this for the book.

I love his over-dramatic character.


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