Chapter 1

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-April 2014-
Anysha's POV-

"Anysha, please come sit here in the front," Professor Laura said. I winced at the sound of my name and turn around to look at her. My attention was caught up by the passing cars outside my class window. Miss Laura might have noticed that I wasn't paying attention to the lecture.

I didn't want to go and sit in front. I wish I could just apologize but she didn't call me out, she asked me to move. I looked straight at her and muttered "uh ok" embarrassingly. Can I vomit?

I walked towards the first bench. I saw a few eyes following my movement and I tried to ignore every one of them. I place my books on the table and sit quietly. Laura resumes her lecture and I stare outrageously at my notebook. I could feel my cheeks and ears heating up due to the adrenaline rush caused due to my anxiety.  

"Hey" I heard a whisper. I didn't turn to face the person sitting next to me but I side glanced and saw him passing a wide smile.

"Hi," I said giving him a half smile trying not to be rude. 

"Are you new here?" He asked, leaning a little closer this time. Stop talking.

I didn't want to provoke Laura again by talking. It was enough attention for today.

"Yea" I stifled at his sweet smile that bugged me for some strange reason. Laura goes on to explain I don't-know-what, but I pretence as if I understood it very well. Only if there was an award for this. I would be totally nominated for it.

"Exchange student? " He whispered again with a smile that never left his face. My god, this guy smiles a lot. I press my lips together to hold back my irritation and start scribbling circles in my notebook.

How bothersome.

"Yes," I replied and yawned out of boredom. Laura began to discuss the assignment that was due the next week. And I started to quickly make notes. I had no interest in this small talk. I will any day choose to rather sit quietly than go through pretentious small talk. They're useless and annoying, and if a person is Awkward-Yeti like me _they become painfully uncomfortable.

"Send me a picture of this later, okay?" He whispered in my ear, and a sharp shiver ran through my body as I felt his breath on my skin. My mind was raging in anger this time. I cannot stand when people don't maintain their distance from me.

I inhaled deeply before extending my arm, placing my hand in the middle of the table and said curtly, "You are in my space." My heart nervously throbbed in my chest.

His eyes narrowed in confusion as he glided away to sit straight on his side. I retreated my outstretched hand, and abrasively asked, "Now, what were you asking for?"

He smirked "Your phone number?", I rolled my eyes in extreme annoyance.

I give up. I want this period to end, now!


I sat still for a minute, and then secretly glanced at the person sitting next to me. I sat dead in my seat when a rude awakening hit me like a thunderbolt. He was the infamous, Harry Styles.

I didn't care about his existence until one evening, Sarah told us how she heard him and his friends practice singing in the music room. I remember her gushing over them for an hour at the dinner table. Aayush, her boyfriend, was pouting in jealousy the whole time. It was one of the rarest times I had fun because it was only three of us.

Later, she would privately whisper in my ear every time we walked past them in the college hallway. I never paid much attention to his face or his friends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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