One of the Worst Days of My Life

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Author's Note: Just to make this clear, the main character is me. This happened when I was in fourth grade so yeah. It was really tough for me and I learned how to forgive people. Well anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)


I still remember that horrible day, March 7th 2009. It was the day I chipped my tooth.

 My childhood friend, Leif, and his family invited my mom and I to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. We accepted it and I had a great time there. I had fun, not worried about a thing until later on.

 After the long day, Leif’s father drove us to pick up my dad from work. Leif and I started running, and he tried to catch me so I wanted to outrun him. He was always faster than me so eventually he caught me. He supposedly “tapped” me, which wasn’t true! I swore he pushed me down.

 I started falling when my knees buckled underneath me, giving no support to the upper half of my body. I fell, face first, feeling the cement scarping across my face. I could feel pain in my knees as they slid on the sidewalk.

 I quickly sat up after I stopped, feeling something wet on the top of my lip.

 “Am I bleeding?” I asked. I was on the verge of crying from all the pain I was feeling.

 “No, Kimberly,” Leif stammered. His eyes were wide with shock, not knowing what to say.

 I touched the top of my lip with my thumb. I looked at it and it was covered with my own blood. After seeing that, all the tears I had built up inside me came pouring from my eyes.

 My mom who was talking to her friends rushed over.

 “Kimberly!” she shouted with her voice full of worry. She helped me get up from the floor with her whole face pale. Then, we went to the bathroom to wash the blood off. I looked at my injury noticing the new gap in my front tooth and a huge scar on my face.

 We went back outside and my dad drove my mom and I to the hospital. Leif and his family followed closely behind. I never stopped crying until I got to the hospital. My mom was always by my side and when Leif kept saying sorry, she ignored him. It seemed like she didn’t forgive him for what he did to me.

 At the hospital I had to drink some medicine to stop the pain and swelling. The bad part of going to the hospital, other than getting hurt, was waiting forever just for the doctor to check up on me. But soon enough, I got out of the emergency room and back home.

 I continued my normal life of going to school and laughing. But there was still a pit in my stomach knowing that my chipped tooth always remained. My huge scar went away and I got the chipped part of my tooth filled with a special filling from the dentist. I’m glad the visual part of my injury is gone.

 A few months later, Leif’s parents asked my mom and I if we wanted to go to another garden.

 “Are you okay? Do you want to go?” Leif’s mother asked me. She was still worried that I still hated Leif for that accident.

 “Yeah, I’m fine. I want to go too,” I replied.

 I don’t hate Leif that much now since there was no use of doing that. The accident happened and I can’t change that. My whole family forgave him and we’re still friends. It’s like what people say, what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.

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