7. "Am I being stalked by a werewolf?"

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Chapter VII: "Am I being stalked by a werewolf?"


Monday rolled around with a new batch of snow from the previous night, but sadly not enough to cancel school. Alyssa drove the whole way cursing the cold, but was almost grateful for the excuse to be away from home. Her parents had put her on their 'watchlist' after she stayed the night at the cabin, and weren't very keen on her leaving the house anymore. That was going to be a bit of a problem if she ever had plans with the group again.

She reached the school earlier than usual, and had less trouble finding a parking spot than she normally did. Alyssa grabbed her bag when she got out, hiked it onto her shoulder, and speed-walked into the building to get out of the cold.

The hallways weren't as crowded that early, but Alyssa couldn't make out who exactly stood against her locker until she was much closer. It was becoming something of a trend, she thought bitterly, to find someone comfortably blocking her locker from her. It was also starting to become mildly infuriating.

Alyssa faltered when she saw the girl who'd given her that cryptic warning back in the parking lot a week ago. Freya—Alyssa learned her name from class eventually—looked skittish and ready to make a run for the exit. Her eyes were shifting from student to student with barely concealed terror. Alyssa was tempted to just walk past the locker and ignore the matter entirely, her textbooks be damned, but Freya had already seen her.

She had a skill for noticing Alyssa when she least wanted to be noticed.

"We have to go," Freya whispered when Alyssa was close enough, and she grabbed Alyssa by the arm. Her nails dug into skin and Alyssa winced, trying to pull away. Freya's grip didn't loosen.

"Let go." Alyssa tugged her arm back again, harder, but Freya just dug her nails even deeper, slicing Alyssa's skin through her sweater.

"Listen to me, Alyssa," Freya hissed, and her eyes flashed silver. Alyssa froze. Was that what she'd seen last time too? But what exactly had she even seen? "The wolves are going to find me soon. You can't stay here either. They'll take you away too."

"What the hell are you even talking about?" Alyssa was close to tears now, and blood stained her sleeve. She looked around frantically and breathed a relieved sigh when she saw Asher. He caught her gaze and frowned, pushing his way through the crowd to get to her. "Please, Freya, let me go. You're hurting me."

"I can tell you about your parents." Freya rushed out. Alyssa stilled. She barely heard Asher calling her name or the bustling student body around her. Freya looked like she hadn't been meaning to say that. She winced, shook her head, and squeezed Alyssa's arm before letting go. "Meet me by your car at lunch and I'll tell you. But you have to come with me. Promise me, Alyssa. Swear it on your life."

Alyssa swallowed hard. There it was again—that flash of silver as bright as moonlight in Freya's eyes. She nodded and stepped away from the girl. "Fine. I promise."

Something tightened around her throat and Alyssa gasped for air. Freya watched her with steady eyes and a grim expression. Alyssa thought Freya's hands were glowing too, but couldn't be sure as her vision blurred and the invisible hands around her throat tightened their hold. "You've made a vow, Alyssa. You cannot go back on it now. I'll see you at lunch."

She walked away quickly, and all at once Alyssa could breathe again. She sucked in a mouthful of air and slumped against her locker. The world still swirled around her, but she steadied a little as a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Alyssa, are you okay?" Asher asked, worriedly looking her over. He looked around for Freya, but even Alyssa could tell she was long gone. "Who was that? What did she do to you?"

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