10. "There is no space for cowardice in this world."

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Chapter X:  "There is no space for cowardice in this world."


CW: This chapter contains depictions of blood and self-inflicted injury


"Again," Farah called out. She folded her arms where she stood on the back porch, her lips pressed into a thin line and a glare pinpointed directly onto Alyssa when she groaned.

Exhaustion weighed on her limbs and sweat dripped down her skin. The backyard was huge and all the other witches gave them the entirety of it to practice. Or fail miserably, rather, because Alyssa was making very, very little progress. Magic wasn't like a sport or biology—not that she was particularly good at either of those—and trying to follow Farah's instructions was like trying to do a handstand without hands.

"Can we please take a break?" They had been at it since the morning and it was already nearing 3 pm. Alyssa was hungry and achy and no longer wished to be subjected to Farah's glaring disappointment. Farah had her working on sensing her own magic, digging deep into her 'magical essence' but Alyssa was struggling. She couldn't find anything magical inside her at all—let alone channel it into something physical.

Farah heaved a loud sigh that made Alyssa wince, and she climbed down the stairs of the porch with a sort of resignation Alyssa could feel in her own bones. Farah placed a hand on Alyssa's head and patted a few times. "I know this is difficult, hon. You're not going to get it right the first day, but the more you practice, the faster you'll improve. You have a limited time frame to awaken your magic. If you don't make any progress now, you never will."

Something bubbled inside of her, hot and resentful. She gritted her teeth and nodded. This was important, she could worry about her own personal feelings on the matter later. "I get it, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be searching for. All I feel inside is a mess of things I don't know how to describe."

"Hmm." Farah looked thoughtful, her gaze on the edge of the yard leading into the forest—everyone seemed to love being literally enshrouded in nature in the supernatural world, Alyssa noticed. "Maybe we're going about this wrong."

Internally, Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief. Externally, she nodded with her mouth shut. "What do you want us to try?"

Farah nodded to herself, and Alyssa was struck with a sudden fear. In the short while she had known the High Priestess, she had learned very well how stubborn the woman could be.

"Come along, hon. We're going to go see the Mistress."

"The what—" Farah pulled her along by the wrist, and left little space for questions or arguments. Alyssa let out a begrudging sigh and followed behind Farah who walked incredibly fast for someone her age.

They moved through the house quickly, going in and out of rooms as Farah called out for Haaris. They found him in some room tucked between the pantry and the door leading to the basement, reading some scrolls that looked like if Alyssa were to breathe on them too hard, they would crumble.

He looked up from his little desk with a raised brow. "Can I help you, dearest sister?"

Farah narrowed her eyes at him and waved her hand around, motioning to the small, dimly lit space. "Why are you still hiding in this cramped dungeon?"

"Because it's quiet," he said with a shrug and leaned back into his seat while crossing his legs. "You still haven't answered my question."

Farah pulled Alyssa further into the room and placed both hands on her shoulders from behind. "We're taking this one to the Mistress. Now. Pack a bag for yourself and Alyssa."

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