part 1: sweet coffee

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" No babe, trust me.. am not on the bed, infact am done bathing.. and I Will meet you there sooner okay" I said to Ashley. I know I shouldn't have lied to her about not being on the bed but I couldn't help it, this damn bed is just too comfy,we have plans to go look for a job.. things are getting hard and no money to solve some problem when the appear. Gotta be prepared right?.
Am so tired

" You know whenever you so that you are not on the bed means you are.. Clara I know you too well, c'mon stand up.. hit the bathroom real quick and come meet me.. the interview is starting soon and don't forget to bring your CV.okay? "

" Alright Mom ". Ashley knows me to well. Gosh.i springed up from the soft bed and immediately missed it deciding to lie back.

" Get the fuck up Clara" Ashley's voice boomed through the phone which made me snap out of my sleeping trance..

" Alright, alright.. am going. See u". I said whilst standing up.. I headed to the bathroom adjacent to my room. I brushed my teeth,took a nice and warm bath.. after that I tried drying my black hair while searching for a more presentable formal cloth for an office to wear.. finally I settled for a knee length black skirt and a white shirt.. nice it fits perfectly , I brushed down my hair , applied some make up and I was ready to go.. I looked beautiful, carrying my black purse and phone, I walked out of my apartment, it is not big neither is it small but normal and cozy and I loved it that way.. I took a taxi to where Ashley was.. coming out, I texted her, I was there.. I payed the taxi driver... Soon enough I saw Ashley looking in all her glory coming towards me, she approaches me and we do our handshake we formed ourselves and after that we hugged.. Ashley is a nice and reserve type of girl.. she is beautiful and let me not forget she is so good at giving advice, I must say.. I made a good choice making her my bestie, she means alot to me..

" Wassup girly.. you sure are looking so amazing" she says.

" Thanks u too, you're not bad, I love your dress.. c'mon let's go.. we are late already " I said reasonably

" See who is talking.. you literally made us late".

" I laughed knowing it's true".

" I can't just wait to get this job.. I need the money so bad Clara" Ashley whined like a baby... Yeah this is One of her personality, acting like a

" I know me too"
We walked through the glass like front door of a massive company.. it looked beautiful.
Ashley and I are not that knowledgeable when it comes to office work but that was the only option that popped in our minds.. we really needed the money..

"Wow.. this place really speaks money" . I said looking around like a lost puppy.

" I know that's why I picked her . More grace, more money" she said giggling..

" That's my girl.. Ashley you are so wonderful" I beamed

" You can say it again "
Together we went to the receptionist who showed us to the interviewing office but not before eyeing us both.. we know and we deserve it, I mean we are extremely late. We proceeded to the office, once we reached.. I knocked nervously.. I don't know what happened, I know I was very much prepared.. I suddenly felt like I was missing something but couldn't figure it out.

"Come in" we heard a thick voice from opposite the door say to us.. we walked in.. I was a nervous mess, Ashley tried encouraging me but that made it worse.. I just gave her a forced smile.. am not like Ashley, she is nice, brave and me am just the opposite, am shy and also feisty, if u most know..
I reached am empty sit and sat.. soon a woman came and asked for our names.. we told her and she went saying we should wait that our names will soon be called out... After a while we heard Ashley's name.. she went forward and started her interview.. they gave her the distribution department...she came out beaming.. I congratulated her, after a while. My name was been mentioned.. I walked nervously into the little office where the interview was done ..
I walk in.. looking around the office was small compared to where I was before.. there stood a man on the chair and a woman standing beside him..

" H..hello" I said nervously..

" Please sit, I am sike the interviewer and this is Mika, my assistant.. and you"

" Hello am Clara.. Clara Brown"

"Okay can I see your CV "
I nodded, searching my bag I didn't see it.. OMG I didn't bring my CV.. so that was hat went wrong.. ahhhhhh!.

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