Chapter 1: Beginning of something great

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Look for notes at the end. This first chapter might seem like a lot of infobomb(Tech inspired it), but this is the prologue to the story.
Hope you enjoy:)


"Cody, will you come here for a moment please?" asked my Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The General of the 212th is weared out from the war, being his second padawan is not making any easier for him. The Marshal Commander of the 212th runned up to my Master. The bond those two share is actually quite admirable. Both of them are just a lover of the rules. I get it now why I've been placed under the wings of Obi-Wan and Cody.

"Yes, General?" said the yellow armoured clone. He is not saluting anymore whenever my Master is asking anything of him, that just makes him more of a friend and human.

Of course I wasn't asked to be a part of the conversation, but I wanted to hear what was going on so I joined them. Standing next to my Master, I shot a quick smirk at Cody.

He is like my brother, we've been on so many missions together since the start. The first time I had met him was on Kamino before I was even granted as a Padawan of Obi-Wan. My master before him unfortunately had died on the battlefield of Geonosis. Until then Master Plo-Koon took care of me. I was actually really surprised when the Council didn't decide on him making my Master. Master Plo was the one who took me to Kamino with his Commander of the 104th, Wolffe. He was the first ever clone that I've ever met. Eventhough I know that he wants to be a strict grumpy leader, he is a softie on the inside.

On Kamino I was amazed at the cloning facility. The many same faces hide so many different personalities. The more I've explored, the more clones I've met I realized this is wrong. They are only treated as a property of the GAR, only as soldiers, not as humans.

Deep within my thoughts I bumped into a clone, and the said clone was indeed Commander Cody. Back then he was so strict and just kind of programmed, but somehow I knew that there is something more to him. Back then he just quickly apologised and moved on, only he didn't know that I would be a part of his life.

When the Council notified me that Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to be my new Master, I was sent out with Ashoka Tano, who looked to be younger than me. We were both transferred to meet our new Masters, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. We both thought that this is impossible, Anakin is way too young to have his own apprentice, and Obi-Wan had already have a Padawan, the Chosen One. But nothing ever is a coincidence, and since then I feel like I belong in the most chaotic family ever, and I couldn't be more glad.

"I have a mission for you Cody." said my Master. I was disappointed, because he didn't say that he has one for me as well. Boring.
"As you know, my dearest Padawan is before her trials, and she needs to be more independent. Therefore, you and Zayle have to rescue Senator Chuchi, who was kidnapped by some rebels and a help of a bounty hunter."

"Riyo?" all the blood drained from my face, the senator is a really good friend of mine.
"Is she alright? Master we've gotta go now" my heart fastened really quickly. I couldn't imagine if something happened to Riyo.

"Calm down my Padawan, she is reportedly not hurt, she is captured due to her political views. There seems to be some rebels against her. You and Cody need to free her and regain peace on Pantora." This is what a Jedi is supposed to do. Maintain the peace in the galaxy.

"Yes, General! Yes, Master." we said in union. However the firmness in my voice just wasn't there like in Cody's.

"All squads, get together and prepare a launch on Pantora!" ordered Cody to his men.

"That won't be neccesary Cody." spoke Obi-Wan amusingly. Everyone, including me looked confusingly at my Master.

"There will be only the two of us?- I asked in disbelief. "No offense Cody, but I don't think the two us have a win against rebels and a bounty hunter."

"None taken Commander." chuckled Cody. "But I do agree with Commander Lynx , General. Without our forces we would be going in blind and low chances of succesion."

"Oh, calm down you two." sassily answered Obi-Wan. "I wouldn't send my best Commanders into a suicide mission." I smiled at that response. I elbowed Cody proudly, and I whispered to him "We are his favorites" He just shook his head with a smile on his face. "You will be joined by Clone Force 99."

"The Bad Batch? Sir, are you certain they are the best choice for this operation?"  Cody asked with uncertainty.
"Why? You know them Cody?" I asked curiously, I've never heard of them before. I thought I met all the clone forces.
"Eugh, yes. They are not the most popular among us, they tend to not follow procedure.But that is what makes them unique. Also, their appearances, because well they don't look like us." mentioned the clone Commander. He seems to already know them. Huh, he never mentioned a strange bunch of clones.
Also, what does he mean by that the clones don't look alike?
"Aren't they clones? How come they don't look alike."
"You'll see" He winked. Ugh, he knows I'm impatient. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Zayle." spoke up my Master. He didn't listen to our conversation, he was briefing Waxer about something, when he suddenly said my name.
"Yes, Master?" I asked nicely.
This man taught me everything I know. My Master before him never actually cared for me, I was basically  forced on him, so he can be a Jedi Knight. With Obi-Wan I've been blessed, I'm not the perfect apprentice, I may not always listen to him, but I will be forever glad to call him my Master.

"Please, be careful. I know this is not your first mission without me, but we are at the edge of war. It's really dangerous out there."  implied Obi-Wan. It's really great to hear that he is worried about me, but he needs to put his faith into me. I can take care of myself.
"I know Master. But you don't have a reason to worry, I will look after your Commander." I winked at him.
" Zayle, that's not what I mea-" he couldn't finish his sentence because I turned my back on him and started to walk towards Cody who was just amused at our conversation.
"Will contact you Master! May the Force be with you!" I turned around just for a brief moment and saluted him with two fingers. He wasn't wearing an impressed expression on his face, he just buried his face into his palm in a defeated manner. I was chuckling at our interaction.

"So, Cody!" I exclaimed happily and put my hand on his shoulder.  "Ready for an adventure?" there was a playfullnes in my voice.
"Always, Zayle" he returned the playfulness, while putting his helmet back on his head. When it's just the two of us, or around his brothers he tends to call me by my first name. It only sounds right, technically I never call him Commander.

"Then let's get going and meet this so called Bad Batch."


Well, I posted my first chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments!<3
I can't wait to introduce Zayle to the Batch. *-*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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