Chapter 2

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Claire's Pov

Getting to the company...

My eyes set at the big glassy monitor changing the colors of the engraved letters on the side wall boldly written as COLD STONE as my eyes flicked to the top boldly designed with the diamond R, my legs were getting shaky, I was nervous as hell “Claire calm ok” I said repeatedly to myself as I made my way to the lobby “wow” I exclaimed unable to get my eyes down as I left it to devour everything from the sparkling marble floors to the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling… if you think the exterior was amazing then the interior will render you speechless…the company or rather paradise because the building was looking so endless well-furnished with different paintings adorned on the beautiful beige wall and different people on different office dress with tags signifying the
big silver R on it working in a sophisticated manner around the beautiful place, one could easily get lost in this company…as my eyes lingered to the different elevators but one at the far end caught my attention… it speaks money… it was an exclusive elevator made with glass…I mean I’m sure not everyone could pass through that…

“Excuse me how I may help you?” a lady in her mid- 20 cut me out of my wavering thoughts

“Uh…umm I’m here for an interview please can you show me the way” I asked her

“Sure follow the elevator to the 60th floor” she said brightly showing all her perfect teeth as she pointed to the elevator at the other side… I knew it not everyone can go through the glassy elevator… part of me was sad because I wanted to know how it feels to walk in such a magnificent elevator… you can’t blame me, it’s my first time seeing such apart from in Netflix movies

“Thanks” I said and left after a long wait in the elevator for the 60th floor I mean who the hell stays there as I walked out of the elevator

“What the hell?” is there a party here or they are all here for the interview I started to battle with my thought maybe I should just go back because it’s hopeless until someone tapped me bringing me out of my thoughts again

“Miss are you also here for an interview?” a lady probably also in her mid-20 asked me then I nodded

“You can sit right here beside me” she said with a bright smile

“Thanks” I said and smiled

“This queue is too long” I muttered and I didn’t know it was loud

“Yeah it is everyone loves to work in the Russo Industries” she said and smiled

“I’m Paula by the way” she added

“Claire” I said then we just talked on casual things I can say she’s very friendly not long after I saw a lady running out from a particular office with tears ‘why is she crying?’

“Is that how they all cry after the interview” I asked her then she smiled

“Maybe let just say Mr. Russo is ruthless and doesn’t care about people’s feelings so you just have to be at your best behavior” she said and smiled

“Oh” I muttered debating whether I should stay or just leave because I won’t allow any douchebag to talk to me anyhow.

“Claire Anderson” I heard my name suddenly

“y-y-yes” I stuttered as anxiety crashed over me

“Come in” the voice said then Paula gave me an assuring smile

“good luck” she said then I nodded getting inside took forever as the lady just kept taking me to different corners and passing through series of corridors I just hope I’ll recognize my way back

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