Chapter 4

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"Lost..." I tried to say something as I released him and went down on the floor... I lost my voice, my brain was blank trying to process everything but couldn't as if I was choked ...I felt stabbed in the heart, words couldn't even describe the feeling

"noo wwayy" I tried to say on the floor as I stood up and grabbed the doctor again

"Take me to my sister, she can't leave me I'm sure she has been waiting for meee" I cried to the doctor has the nurses tried to hold me back

"Calm down please" one of them said as I shot deadly glares at her

"Did you just say calm down? How dare you tell me to calm down? , how? I said take me to my sister" I yelled on their faces as they all flinched at my outburst not long I saw some nurses bringing out a body on a bed wheel... no way as I left them and rushed to the body

"Clara Clara talk to me I'm here ..." someone held me back as her body was dragged away I went down again

"nooooooooo" I tried to scream before everywhere blacked out

"Doctor how is she?" I heard a voice similar to my Dad then I opened my eyes

"Where am I?"

"Clara... Where is she?" I faced my Dad as I tried to move my body then I realized there were wires connected to me as I tried to disconnect them immediately

"Baby what are you doing? Don't hurt yourself calm down please" my mum cried as I looked at her face with my Dad both of them with puffy eyes... I didn't even listen to them as I broke everything

"Take me to Clara... Take me to my sister" I yelled and cried at the doctor who rushed to me as he held me forcefully with a nurse and injected something inside of me as everywhere blacked out again.


"Claire you haven't eaten nor slept for the past two days please stop this" Amy my cousin said for the 100th time today

I was at our balcony for the past two days staring at the stars hoping for her to return to me...I couldn't even tell how I was feeling... it was beyond whole system was cold, I felt isolated within

"We know it's hurt like hell but please you're hurting us too by doing this and Clara won't be happy to see you like this" Bianca said holding my hands as her eyes widened...I didn't budge as I kept looking at the stars because I wasn't even feeling my body

"Oh my God... she's cold... her hands are cold" Bianca cried out

"Claire please" Tirana pleaded with tears in her eyes I just gave her a blank stare and just turned back to the stars hugging my knees

"Maybe we should give her more time to be alone" Max suggested with a puffy eyes

"Time? It's been 2 days and she hasn't said anything to us" Carlo said

"I can't bear to lose another friend" Tirana cried on me

"Max is right let's give her more space" Bianca added as they stood up and left to the sitting room

I tried to say something but I wasn't feeling my voice

Breathing was hard as if cold water were filled in my lungs

Why is it so hard to take in? So many questions on my mind

What went wrong? Why didn't I insist on following her? Then I remembered the blood in between her laps... what happened?

I stood up and found my way to the gate without acknowledging the gatekeeper

"Ma'am wa...." I didn't even wait for him to finish as I bumped pass him and left to the hospital

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