Mention of knives, swords, blood
If sensitive to any of these, please leave, for your mental health. Now to the story :D
"Did it work?"
"Yeah, it worked. You deleted the video, right?"
"Yeah, I did,"
Tommy listened as Techno and Purpled had a conversation. "Purpp," Tommy whined. "Im boredd," he said, stretching out the "b" at the end.
"You can always go somewhere with Techno,"
"No, I want to go with you. Can we do some villain shit or something? Terrify the vigilanties and shit?" He whined more.
"Techno's coming with us,"
Tommy groaned. "Finee."
Purpled grabbed his mask, and also tossed Tommy's to him. "You can go home and change, we can handle ourselves for a while," Purpled said to Techno, with a nod as a response.
Purpled also grabbed a few throwing knives, and a sword. Another part of his outfit was a belt hidden under his hoodie. It held his knives, along with the scabbard for his sword.
Tommy, however didnt have the belt. Instead, he had a bow and quiver on his back. He also had a scabbard for his sword, also on his back.
"Purp, why do you need so many knives?"
"Dunno, theyre cool? And, theyre useful to incapacitate. I dont bring out my sword 'till someone gets close," he said, still putting a few knives in his belt.
Tommy was always in awe whenever he saw Purpled fight. He seemed like hed been doing it for years. He knew how to hurt someone just enough that they wouldnt die. He always had a red glint in his purple eyes when he did that.
"I was hoping we'd run into Dream.. or even better, that bastard who made me tell my identity. Hes probably giving information to Dream right now.." Purpled said, as he shoved a handful of little explosives into his pocket.
"Why do you have all this stuff when you work behind the scenes?" Purpled had that red glint in his eyes again.
"Ive been planning to be Dolus for a long time, Tommy, just.. never got the chance. But now I do," Tommy could hear his grin as he said it, and he swore that Purpled's eyes turned red for a moment.
"Anyways, Im done. We were gonna meet Techno.. where exactly?"
"The rooftops, I think, like, around where Dream usually patrols,"
"Okay, but why Eris? Wasnt she a goddess or something?" Tommy questioned. Eris sighed at the question.
"The– Vulcan, Ive told you, Eris sounds relatively gender neutral, and Eris was the goddess of discord, and personally, Id like to cause chaos as a villain," he explained.
"Thats fair.." Eris' turn to ask a question now.
"Whyd you join the syndicate? You showed no interest in it before.."
"Hm? Oh.. uh, I realised Dream and a lot of the other heroes were assholes, and didnt want to be one of them. And then I found out about you, Hades, and Aeolus, and decided I wanted to help you out," Tommy said.
"Vulcan, Eris, Dream is right there," Dolus basically whispered. Vulcan and Eris momentarily froze, before hiding, and dragging Dolus with them.
"Youre very loud, you know," Dream turned to them. "Might as well come out, I know where you are. Oh, and Dolus, I want.. a talk," he acted so casual.
Dolus knew it was a trap. After a moment Dolus felt someone grab him from behind and push him forward. He was right in front of Dream now.
"Well, Dolus. Youre interesting, huh? Your powers work with memories. Twisting them, and twisting a person's mind to remember what you tell them to, am I correct?"
Suddenly Dolus had the feeling again, when he couldnt hold the truth in. "Y-yes," he stuttered.
"Whats the full extent of your powers?"
"I-I.." he tried to stop. He looked in Eris and Vulcan's direction with pleading eyes, but then realised they were busy in a fight. "I can alter every single memory someone has.. I- it gives me really bad memory issues after though.. I can also give someone false memories.."
"Huh. You could be useful.." Dream muttered. Dolus scrambled away, but hit a wall.
"Why am I being targeted? You dont even know–" he felt his supply of air cut off.
"Shut up. Or Ill suffocate you." Dream threatened. Dolus gasped for air.
"Shit!" Dolus heard Tommy shout. His head whipped over to Tommy and Eris' direction. There, Tommy stood with a knife stuck in his right leg. Not anything that would kill him, but it must've hurt like hell.
Dolus tried to get out. Any attempt to get out was futile though. Until..
Dolus threw a small explosive on the ground. It wouldn't do any damage, but it would hurt.
Dream had left a small hole on the shield so Dolus could breathe. Just big enough for the explosive. So he threw it. Dream didn't notice, until it exploded. Causing the air prison Dolus was trapped in to disappear.
He ran over to help Eris and Vulcan. They were fighting against a shapeshifter. Dolus never bothered to remember names, that was Vulcan. Though he was pretty sure this guy also worked with the syndicate, they had a shapeshifter working with them.
Dolus threw a knife at his leg. "Damn!" The guy yelled. "Youre good." Dolus could hear his grin. "Well, it was fun Eris, Dolus, but I think Im gonna go now, bye!" He said, shifted himself wings, and flew off. Eris and Dolus didnt feel like chasing him.
Instead, they turned their attention over to where Vulcan was hiding. He still had the knife in his leg, thankfully he wasnt an idiot and didnt pull it out. "Vulcan! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, Im fine. This shit hurts like hell though," He replied, pointing at his bleeding leg.
"Oh. Right. We'll get Ponk to patch you up, dont worry," Dolus said.
Eris grabbed him and took him back to the Syndicate's base, with Dolus following behind, making sure Dream didnt follow them.
Ponk patched Vulcan up with his powers, it was still gonna hurt for a few days but at least Vulcan would be able to walk.
Google docs says this is 1000 words..
wattpad said 988 words..
Ill go with what google docs says to make me feel better.
Next chapter isnt gonna have any fights or anything, just c a l m

All Because of a Few Names
FanfictionA very badly written dsmp fanfic :D' Have fun reading through the shit I wrote at night ~Artwork by Lovoviii on twitter!~ ... Tommy weaved through alleyways, trying to get home. It was late, and he was just getting out of a fight. He took a left, lo...